chapter 6

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"lisa what is your full name and you mother and father's name?" cho ask her

"my name is lalisa! my mama's name is chitthip and my papa marco"she answered while holding my hand

"what is your last name?" rosé

"I don't know. I just know mama and papa's name and my name I don't know my last name."hmm I will call my investigator later to find information about lisa

"do you know your home address?"rosé asked, while holding unnie's hand while to lisa

"mama is my home!" she said proudly that's nice but we need her address

"do you know the address of you house?" I ask

"I don't know last last day is my first-time to go outside the house, because mama said to me I need to go away I weel be safe and away from papa marco!" she stated

"why she want's you away to your papa? is he hurting you?" rosé

"yes he always hurt me everyday and he don't want mama to give me food and he don't want mama to sleep with me because I only sleep in the floor in the basement!"we all look at her in shock and disbelief on the information that she's saying right now. how could that man treat her own child like that!! he's a dimon I cant believe he can do that to lisa!!

"how long that your papa's hurting you!!"I ask. im mad at her father!

"since I was little he always hurt me because he said that im not he's daughter he said mama cheat on him!"she stated lookingdow in our hands. I didn't expect that... hurting a child! what a horrible person is that!!

"that is unacceptable reason to hurt you! even you are not he's daughter it is not right to hurt you! what about your mama is he hurting your mama too?"unnie ask her she nod her head saying yes.

"when he is drunk he will hurt mama and me. one time he is drunk and lost he's money when he sow me and mama in the kitchen mama is giving me a food, because im so hungry. I didn't eat anything for 2days because he don't want mama to give me food! he hurt me so much I have blood in my head and I got dizzy and fall on the floor, I sow mama trying to save me but he hurt mama too. she's bleeding. I don't know what happened nex. when I woke up im in the basement again."she's starting to shaking I can feel her hand gripping my hand tightly. I look at unnie and rosé I can say that they notice lisa is trembling they are looking at me.
I hug lisa to comfort her while rubbing her back.

"baby its okay he will never hurt you again I promise to you  and I will help you and your mama. we will find your house and save you mama okay lili?"she look at me in the eye. reading it wanting to know if im telling the truth. she smiled and nodded her bady stop already from trembling she hug me and place her head in my shoulder.

"lisa I want to know wht are you crying in the park when I sow you and why are you hiding at the back of the bench?" I ask again..

"because there is a drunk man. he try to hurt me and he hold my arm so tight. you see this!! it is because of that man!" she show us her bruises in her arm. oh god why those man can't do a good thing!! they always hurt girl's. but not saying all man is bad bat most of them! every time they got drunk they always do something no good.. by the way I didn't see that bruises last night, because I just help her to control the temperature of the water...  she knows how to take a bath on her own she said that her mama is the one preparing the water that she's using in taking a bath that's why..

"okay enough for the questions oumm... from now on you will stay here with me with us okay? this is your home too. from now on you will be part of my family!" I said to her looking directly in her eyes while showing my gummy smile. chu and rosé are looking at me with amused in the face. smiling brightly. well the truth is the first time I sow her I know to my self that I will keep her no matter what!! she mine now MINE alone... no one will get her away from me😏

"Really I will be part of your family I can stay here in your home nini!!"she excitedly say and hug me tighter. hahha she so cute but.... I can't breathe hehe to tight but it's okay it's her anyway..# whipped bich# author thanks for your compliment🙄.... #😑😕#

"yes. and we will find you house and save your mama, oh by the way do you know how long you travel away from you house?"I ask her so we can give the information to detective.

"oh!!! about that she said I need to ran to the bus station but it's far from the house. she said when I got out of the house I need to ran in to my right side which is the road in the right, because der is 3 roads so I need to choose the road in my right! she told me that i need to fallow the road and turn to the left and find the bus station and I ride on it. I pay using the money that mama give me. ohh I think run like 15 minutes and the ride on the bus is like 35 to 40 minutes? neer the park"how I have this feeling that lisa have a high IQ🤔 but anyway its a big help all the information the she said are recorded in my phone I will send it to the detective. bich I don't what to repeat all the story of her im too lazy to do that!! and also if unnie will be the one will explain to the detective, it will be exaggerated you know what I mean??
and if it's!!! I don't trust her she always think about food I know for sure... after this talk she will be hungry again and run to the kitchen hahaha she's a big eater but never get fat. #im jealous#

"that a big help lisa!" unnie

"yeah that's right did you remember the name of the bus or the color of the bus anything that can help to find where you came from?" rosé

" I remem it is a coor blue bus! and it is also the last bus for the day." she answered and she's not letting go of the hug and I love it!!

"okay that's good it is a big help lisa!!"rosé

"that's the last question we need!" I said rosé immediately stand up and run towards tge kitchen.... I told you im right hahaha

"jisoo unnie your chipmunk is hungry again hahha"

"hehe I can't do anything about that you know her already;"

"yeah I know ahh.... do you want to come with me and lisa to the mall Im going to buy her clothes and everything she needs." I ask I already planned it last night. ohh I forgot to ask lisa's age and birthday..

"sure we don't have any plans for the day so sure!" unnie said and wolk to the kitchen... I know she's also going to eat her chicken .

"lili how old are you and when is your birthday?"

"im 18 year's all nini and my birthday is March 27 2003," she said in a baby voice oh cute!!! oh anyway it's February 8 already so it's neer I need a plan for her birthday.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now