chapter 9

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=at the mall=

we already arrived at the mall there's a lot off people right now ha.... I hate crowded place they are so annoying! people are annoying except my lili.

"nini can i have ice cream please.."

"okay lili I will buy you ice cream but we need to eat first okay it's lunchtime already!"

"okay nini yehey nini will give me ice cream~ chipmunk nini will buy me ice cream!!" she sead excitedly she's so cute.

"Really that amazing! I like ice cream too. jennie unnie can I have some too please.."here we go again. rose is a big eater but never get fat #sana all nalang#

"No rosé you have your own money buy for your self or just ask unnie. I don't have money." I simply stated

"what do you mean you don't have mor?? I know you have tons money! I bet you have money in almost all bank in the world!! unnie please..." she said I just shrug my shoulder. yes she's right im rich, actually I can buy them ice cream factories if I want too. I can give her ice cream but I just want to mess with rose hahha.

"I know im rich but your rich too and also unnie. unnie can you just buy your girlfriend her ice cream!"I said while walking towards the expensive holding lisa's right hand with my left hand so she won't get lost.

"chipmunk I'll buy you ice cream stop whining!"chu said putting her right arm to rosé waist in a possessive way well I can't blame her there's a lot of people looking at us girls and also boys and a lot of them are looking to lisa!!they are looking at her like they want to take her away. I what to stab those eyes so they won't look at my lili like!! I place my arm around her waist too like unnie but more possessive.

we entered the restaurant and the staff welcome us and guide us to a vacant table. I pull a chair for lisa and help her to sit down, I sit besides her chu and rosé are sitting in front of us. the waiter gives us the menu, while choosing the dish for me and lisa, I can see in my peripheral vision that the waiter is looking at lisa. he's like a maniac!! what the F*CK"

"who do you think you are to stare at her like that!!"I said loudly to the waiter he startled and look at me with shock in her face. I stand and walk towards him and hold the collar of his clothes he shaking huh. that's right be scared of me!!

"I..I I im not staring at her miss p-p-please let go of me!" he said and grabbed my wrist trying to take it away in his collar but I grip on it tightly I know im stronger than him im a girl but my body is strong.

"are you saying that im lying huh?? you stupid b*tch!"im about to punch him but I feel a hand stopping me from punching this d*ck head!!

"nini im scared.."I look at my side and see lisa looking down on the floor her hand is shaking. I let go off waiter and hug lisa she cry in my chest I sit in the chair and make her sit in my lap and hag her, she buried her head in my neck crying silently.

"shssss.. babe it's okay don't cry im here shsss..stop crying "I rubbed her back to calm her dow . the owner of the restaurant came looking at us with confuse in his face. I really don't like this man he look's like ugly bunny!

"miss kim what happened?" I look at him with my B*TCH face I spoke to him with my cold tone

"fird him now or I will close you restaurant!"he look shock and the waiter is looking so terrified

"wh-what but miss kim we-we can't just fird him without re-" I cut him off with his words

"okay!"I said still in a cold tone. im still rubbing lisa's back and hair she's still crying but mir calmer now. a lot of people are looking at us

"o-okay?? what do you mean by okay miss kim?"he ask me

I will close this restaurant."

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now