Chaptet 49

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"Come here love eat this first before you drink your juice" I said guiding her to sir on my lap. we are now at the park I'm sitting on picnic mat.

we decide to meet up here after walking around for like almost 2 hours after we bought the fruit juice earlier, just like what we agreed on the first place I call them and meet them here. and when lisa and I arrive here everything are already setup.

"do you want a sandwich or tacos?" I ask her I place a sandwich on the plate for me, it's a ham and bacon sandwich with mayonnaise and lettuce in it.

" tacos please."

"oh thank you for using pleas. you're so polite baby " I praise her and she show me her toothy grin "and also cute!!" I softly pinch her cheeks  so she won't get hurt, she peck my lips

" thank you nini." I nod my head and ready her food she's still holding her fruit juice so it means I will feed her.

"say Aaa. " I motion her to open her mouth so I can feed her she gladly open her mouth and bite the tacos she hmm clearly likingvthat taste" is it good?"

"yes!! it taste so good" she said bouncing little bit on my lap. I close my eyes for a split second . no Jennie not now you hurry b*tch calm your self! I scolded my self on my mind. I eat my sandwich, and when I see that she's Done chewing her food I feed her again.

"here. come on eat more baby." she bite the tacos again.

" nini after I eat can I play over ther" she point tha big sand box there's no one playing there I look back at eh and nodded

"yeah sure but don't go to far okay love ? and also you need ti rest first after you eat maybe for some minutes so your Tommy won't hurt okay?""

"hmm!. okay! but can I play on your phone please?" she ask with poppy eyes.

"okay. why you're so cute huh?" I said kissing her lips she kiss me back. we kiss for a moment before we parted
"I love you baby." I said and peck her lips

"I love you too nini very very big!" she motion with her hands stretching it upward.

"oh wow thank so much that you love me that much!" giggling " but im sure I love you more!"

"no nini I love you more more more and moreeeeee."

"okay okay we both love each other that same." I pick-up her tacos and continue to feed her and also my self while she play on my phone after we ate we just sit down for some times and I appreciate the view and the moment.

"nini can I play now?" she ask  and nod my head she stand and start to run.

"lili no running and don't go too far" I said she slowdown and start speed walking. I look at my phone cause I know every time she's playing on my phone she doesn't care if thers a.message or a call. I look at my phone and see that there's a message from lisa's real father. I save her number on my phone after we talk I open the message and my eyes widened when I read the message I practically stand up and look up to lisa she's nearing the sand box I start to run to her

"lisa come here!!" I shout and everyone look at me confuse and look  to lisa. lisa look at me and start to rub back to be but she's a bit far from us and there I saw a three man in black wearing a mask and cap they're much closer to lisa running fast towards her  I ran faster but one of the man with a gun star to shoot us I see lisa stumble on the ground because of shock I continues to run towards her but I stumbled I feel burning pain on my right shoulder I hold it and it's bleeding a look back up and saw that the 2 man in black taking lisa who's strolling to get out oglf their hold.

"let her go!!" I shout and start to stand again. I saw jisoo run towards them and aslo the our buddy guard shoot the man who have a gun but he shoot jisoo.

"jisoo!!" they all shout and I saw jisoo unnie fall on the ground not moving the goad shoot the man with a gun and he fall on the ground unconscious
they run to jisoo and I run for lisa they are shooting us but they can't ame properly because they are holding lisa

"let her go!!" I shout strangling to run "lisa!!"

"jennie help!!!" she shout crying the man shove her inside the black van but I got a grip on one of the man and push him to the side

"lili come out!!" she was about to come out but the other man kick me on the stomach and shoot me I fall on the side of the road

"jennie!!" I hear lisa cry I look back up honding thr side of stomach

the man close the door of the van "ughh!! lisa!" mi vision start to blurry bat I still try to stand but failed I can see the buddy guard fallow them and try to shoot the wheel

I want to go and help lisa but I feel weak I feel cold my body slumped on the concrete looking at the fading van. I can hear shouting and cry... but I can't understand what are they saying. I feel my eyes closing on its own.

"jennie! jennie!!come on don't close your eyes! look at me baby!" I hear my mother said while crying "where's the ambulance!" I slowly open my eyes and look at my mother who's holding me like a baby.

"ughhh mo- mom"

" shhh shhh no don't talk sweetheart you need to save your strength." she said nayeon is besides me puting a pressure on my wounds

"mo- mom. he- help lis-"

"yes yes hon of course we will find her don't worry huh just-just opeb your eyes for okay don't fall's asleep okay??" I try my best not to close my eyes but I can't

" the ambulance is here jen just hang in there okay?" I hear the ambulance  but my eyes are so heavy that I can't keep them open anymore "jen no no plece open your eyes!"

"jennie!"I hear a ringing sound and their voice is fading away and there's the silent....

I feel numb and cold at the same time it's so quiet yet loud.

the silence is too loud for my ears it feels like it's making me deaf...

I hate this.

I hate that I can't do anything but stay in the dark.

I hate that I don't know if I can still see her or not anymore.

I hate to think that she's out there somewhere I don't know

I hate that I don't know if she's hurt or not and I can't do anything to help her.

I hate that I know she's having ah panic attack but I can't help to calm her down.

I hate this....

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now