chapter 7

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"let's go upstairs and get ready." I hold her hand and we walk upstairs. I let her take a bath first so I can ready her clothes. im still inside of my walk in closet preparing my clothes when I feel a person behind me. I turnaround and....

"OH MY GOD!!!" I startled. because lisa is in front of me.... and


why is she naked? wh-

"nini why your mouth is open?" ohh I don't know that. I mean who wouldn't!!  look at her standing naked in front of me.. by the why she is sexy smooth white skin and not so big boo-
WHAT THE!! you pervert jennie.

"I-I ahh why yo-you go here naked? you should just wait me in the bathroom o-or wrap your body with towel;"I said looking somewhere not to her. I know my face is red right now!

"why nini? and look your face is red are you sick nini?" she's so innocent oh my god. she's holding my face right now. hayss never mind it okay jennie-ah you will be use to it sooner or later... and you also a girl there's no wrong about that! right.. right??

"no im okay baby come here wear your clothes." I give her her clothes im about to go when she stop me by holding to my wrist. I look at her

"why lili??"

"nini can you help me wear my clothes?" she ask me in a cute voice with poppy eyes.. oh come on I think she knows that I can't say no to that looks hayss

"okay lili. come here give me the clothes."

"yehey!! here nini. thank you!" she give me the clothes I started put her underwear's she smile while looking at me

"lili you really know how to use your charm to me didn't you?"she
giggle. cute

"hmm I always show it to mama if I want something and she said she can't resist whenever I do the poppy eyes and cute voice. that's why I try it to you nini and it works hehe."

"you're so cute baby!" I pinch her chicks softly not to hurt her, she giggle. I already put her clothes on her  and we go to my bedroom

"lili im going to take a bath okay! wait for me"

"okay nini"

I go to my bathroom and start taking a bath. after 30minutes I already wear my clothes I walk out of the bathroom. and I don't see lisa I panicked and run out of my room

"Lisa!! lisa???  where are you lili??"im calling her but she's not responding I walk towards the stairs but I see unnie walking towards me.

"why jenuik??"

"did you see lisa she's not in my room!"

I don't know I just finished taking a shower! lets find her downstairs maybe she's with rosé."I run downstairs looking around unnie is walking behind me.

"lisa?? where are you?? lisa!!" I walk to the kitchen but she's not ther where did she go's? I look around but she's not her im starting to get  worried about her did she go outside the house?

"jennie I think I hear rosé in the garden!" unnie said. I immediately run to garden. and yes she's there with rosé playing with kuma she's running while kuma is chasing after her and rosé laughing her ass out!! they are happy while me worrying for nothing huh!!

"rosé!"chu call her chipmunk she walk to rosé while me still standing at the door looking at lisa I should be mad because she go's out without telling me! but looking at her happy and full of energy I can't .

"lili" I call her she looks at me and smile even more and run towards me and hug me she wrapped her legs around my waist she's like a monkey. but im thankful because she's comfortable with me. I can feel ther is a special connection between the two of us.

"hello nini! look kuku is chasing me he is so cute."

"yes but you cuter than kuku, I can see your having fan with him"I said while movie my hands under her butt to support her body so she won't fall

"yes nini I really like kuku!"

"so you like him more than me??" I ask her and pout my lips she giggle. I can see in my peripheral vision that rosé and chu are looking at me smiling like an idiot. I also here rosé's little squeal. enjoy the interaction between lisa and I, well I can't blame them even me is surprise in my own actions!

"no nini I like you more!"

"Really you like me more?"

"yes very much muah..."----
...did she...
sh-she she just kiss me..on


that's my f*cking first kiss!!
she-she stole my first kiss. I cant move im shock what should I do?? oh my god im just looking at her with a shock face. we just met last night and she already have my first kiss I look at unnie and rosé they are shock too!

"lili.... di-did you ju-just kiss me??" I ask her looking at her. she smiled at me and nod her her like a kid.

"yes nini I kiss you because I like you!"I- I dont know what to say.

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