chapter 13

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"what jisoo unnie told me"she it's jisoo

"oh god lisa you dont know what are you doing to me!"I sead in frustrated. oh god jisoo unnie is not a good influence to lisa!!

"lili listen to me, don't listen to unnie when she's talking about bad or nasty things okay?"common I love my innocent lili......but I like her naughty side too hehe

"oh okay nini. how about a baby?"she ask im curious right now what baby?. she's still on top of me, im hugging her waist.

"I love baby's I sow a lot of baby in the park and they are all cute!!!"she squeal while looking at me that's cute

"really you love baby's?"

"yes and I want a baby...."I choke on my saliva on what she stated. quickly but carefully put her on the bed and stand up. I need water

"let's go dow stairs and make breakfast lets just talk about that some other day, because we are going to my work!"I stated she immediately stan up

"let's go nini!! common walk faster so we can make a food already and I will take a bath so we won't be late in work!!"she said while dragging me towards the dor and open it.

"lili you are so funny you sounds like you are working hahaha" she look at me and pout but still walking and holding my left hand.

"Im just exited. I really want to see your work place and I want to see how you work!"

"okay okay I get it. now look where you walking you may trip and got hurt I don't like in when you are hurt."I said and she nod and look at the way, we walk dow stairs and go to the kitchen to cook I choose to cook fried rice, hotdogs, bacon. she help me to prepare the ingredients, after preparing I told her to sit so h
she won't burn her self while im cooking. she obay and sit we are just talking while im cooking I love it when she's talking about her future our future her dreams and many things that she want to do. this past few weeks while finding her mother I started teaching her different things that she need to know. actually im very impressed to her she's a smart girl she easily get the things that im telling her, she remembers everything that I discussed to her. im planing to find a private teacher to help her to study because im planing to enrolled her to kim's university Im the owner of that school, I want her to study ther so I can still look after her.

"okay it's cook lili can you wake unnie so we can eat already?"

"okay" she stand and run away but before she can go far I stop her

"lisa!! don't run what if you tripped and got hurt! please just walk don't run okay?"

"im sorry nini... okay I will just walk I won't run anymore so you will not get worried to me" she said walking upstairs. I prepared the plates and food after 5minutes I can hear a footstep. they are her

"lets eat guys so we can go to work"I said I pat the sit nex to me so lisa would sit nex to me I put food's in her plate so she can eat a lot. I really love talking care of her, after I put food in her plate and mine I stand and get the jar of milk and pour it in lisa's glass so she can drink it easily. she look at me and mumble a think you I just smile at her and sit again ans eat my

I already take a bath in the other room so lisa can use the bathroom in our room im the one who finish first so I go to our room and put a light makeup and wait for lisa to go out of the bathroom so I can help her wear her clothes. actually she knows how to wear her own clothes she just really want me to helping her wear it I Don't know why she want me to help her wear her clothes but I just shrug it off, im already used to it seeing her NAKED is not a big deal to me anymore... but not all the time! because Im a human too and a GAY! one time after my monthly bloody days!!! I feel horny when I entered my OUR room lisa and I room right.. anyways I didn't knock why?? why would I knock it's my room too so yeah I was horny that day and came from work because ther is an important meeting so yeah I entered our room and there she is... lisa is standing in front of me naked and her hair is wet, smiling at me innocently it is so hard for me not to touch her that time but I prayed to all saints to give me strength to stop my horny self. luckily they hear it so nothing happened I just help her wear her clothes and after that I take a cold shower! to help me easy my hormones and-

"nini can you help me wear my clothes already?? we are going to be late!" she said in her little voice. what the... when did she came out of the bathroom??? did I spaced out?.

"o-ohh sure love come here!" I started to put her clothes she's so beautiful cute but hot at the same time.

Lisa is wearing this

this is what im wearing

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this is what im wearing

im hot I know it you don't need to say it! hahaha

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im hot I know it you don't need to say it! hahaha. (I don't have any comment) that's right so just stay silent.

we both go the garage I help her entered my car and I put her seatbelt. unnie is already in her office she left after we eat buth don't worry she already take a bath hahaha

=fats forward in kim corp.=

we are here in front of our company I parked my car and exited on it a lot of staff are looking at me boy's and girl's some are talking I can hear them saying how beautiful I am that thet miss me and many more. but my focus is not on them🙄. I walk to the other side of my car and open my car's door to see the love of my life looking around with amused in her face and then she look at me and smi brightly I take off her seatbelt and help her exit the car she thank me and cling in to me while looking aroud I can see a lot of people looking at her specially boy's what the F*CK.. I glared at them but they didn't see it because ther are focused on lisa I was about to go near to the group of boy's which is my employees but I can't cuz lisa is holding me not knowing that I want to kill those people

"nini you work here? it so big and beautiful I like it here!!" she said excitedly and hug me people that witness it gasp in surprise this is the first time they see some hugging me but I don't care may anger slowly fading because of lisa's cuteness. she look up at me and smile brightly amd I look at her too and hug her back and smile I can hear another gasp from the staff's hahaha if you can see their face look like they see a ghost with no head that so hilarious. whel I can't blame them tho im cold and bitch to all of them they barely see me smile and be near to other people even to my family. if they see me smiling I sure they know it's fake and I don't care at all!

"yes lili thi is where I work lets go inside it cold in here." I said and hold her hand we walk towards the big glass door and entered the company the employees inside the company are looking at the two off us my bodyguard are following us behind the other staff are taking a pictures I just let the im talking to lisa while holding her hand walking towards the elevator and explaining to her where we are what the other employees doing what is may work etc... we are near the elevator whe something someone happened
"hi babe!"

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