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That F*cking bastard Wonwoo! his the one who kidnapped my baby? i will make sure not to kill him that easily I'll make sure that he'll suffer.

I know him his the only son Jeon Minho he was my mother's ex-friend He wants his son to marry me but i refuse because i don't even like him but Minho keeps on pursuing his son to be my partner, because he wants to be the leader of Underground society. Minho is a selfish he wants power for himself he betrayed my mother he wanted to replace her as a leader that's why he tried to kill my mom but he failed on doing so he was killed by Ray and we never know where his son is but we never bothered about him he was nothing a coward boy that fallow all of his father wants.

But now he has the audacity to kidnap my lili and call himself as KING?! yes now i know that he was the one who hides under the name of king in Underground society, He does a lot of Iligan Drug trafficking, Human trafficking etc.. i do Iligan business too but no like him i sell weapons and creat new technology and selbit around the world gadget and equipment we sell is high quality that even the government try to connect to our family to buy for military. his business is so disgusting that's why i want him to leave the underground society but I can't cause I don even know any information about king or where to find him his good at hiding but not this time, he was betrayed by his own men. and his karma is coming and that karma is me...

we received a new message from the same number who texted me before lisa was kidnapped Wonwoo plans to escape at night it's currently 6:30 pm and we are getting ready to save lisa. we're going to depart exactly 7pm so we have enough time. we planned to attack before they even leave the villa.

we also received a message from Lisa's real father that he sent some of his men to support our team even though we can handle it on our own but he insisted and is also sending a helicopter In case of emergency i was a little bit shocked about that, he also informed me that the one who texted me about the kidnapping is also h
is informant Wonwoo considered him as right hand but i guess his not loyal to Minho after all.

"Jennie backup is here with the helicopter" Unnie said i nodded and went out of my room well Lisa's literally owns this room more than me, she has a lot of things here more than the amount of mine so yeah it's  our room. anyway i was now down stairs everyone is ready

"You all know the plan?" i ask the team leader

"Yes miss kim we are already informed of the plan we are all ready to back you up."

"okay that's good to know let's go everyone!" i said and went out of the house Mom and some of my friend will be staying in the villa they will be the ones who will monitor the movement of the enemy through the satellite and will send information to us.

                        =Fast forward=

we just arrived where the villa located we make sure to park in a good distance not too far but not too close for the enemy to notice our presence, on our way here jeyungyeon informed us that there's new more people to Wanwoo's villa.

There's no camera inside the house that's why we don't  know what room lisa was staying. we hide behind the trees that surrounds the property, we move carefully the perimeter have lights good for us we can see the guards that surrounding the area the sniper's are already positioned waiting for the fo signal we need to be careful.

"Jennie" i heard unnie whisper besides me i look at her "make sure not to leave my side! your wounds are not Healed enough for you to fight" she warned me i nood my head

"i know chu" she's right i already have  my medication but i can sti feel some pait from my wounds my doesn't actually want me to come here but i insisted that's why they came up with the idea of me not leaving unnie yo make sure that im okay will saving lisa.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now