chapter 39

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we were startled bye someone clearing their throat and we immediately stop kissing we both look at the door way and see my mom standing there with her arm cross

"you two should finish you food it's late already tomorrow is a big day we don't want to wake-up late are we? no so finish your food and get ready to sleep!" she walk to the fridge and take a water battle before walking neer me and lisa she kiss both our cheeks before standing straight " hmm good night my baby's naw stop making out girls and eat your food not each other"

"mom!!" I said feeling shy she walked out of the kitchen I look back at lisa she's smiling at me but I can see a blush on her cheeks and her ears are red too I lean and kiss her lips again

"I just said that stop making out here in the kitchen Jennifer feed my future daughter-in law a real food I don't want her having a ulcer on her birthday."

"mom!! stop pop out of no where you're scaring me!"

"then stop kissing!"

"ughh okay bye mom were going to eat now good night see you tomorrow.."

"bye bye mommy kim good night and sweetie dreams" lili said and send a flying kiss to my mom

"ohh you such a sweet girl thank you and good night to you too dear" she also send a flying kiss to her then she look at me " good night bitch" she said and turn around and walk away what the hell

" im your daughter here!" I said a little bit louder so she can still here me

"I know bitch bye bye"

"mommy kim is so cute hehe"

"ohh so she's cute cause she call me a bitch??"

"I didn't said that nini" I start to tickle her "hahaha nini s stop hahaha"

"who's cute huh"i stop tickling her so she can breath

"it's nini hehehe nini is cute"

"wrong answer" I tickle her again

"hahaha the- then who?" I stop tickling her again and grin and hug her

"you. you are the cate my very very cute baby"

"hehe thank you nini and you are also my very very cute and beautiful and sexy and hot nini"

"ohh you think im very very cute, beautiful, sexy and hot nini?"

"no" she said my smile disappear and I pout " no because I didn't 'think' that you are cute sexy beautiful and hot because I ' know' that my nini and ONLY mine is cute, beautiful sexy and hot."

"ohh thank you and im all yours. okay now lets eat before mom came back here "

"okay! you feed me mommy kim said" my baby is back hahaha

" of course I will feed you im your mommy right?" I mumble the last part hehe

"I didn't here tha last part nini"

"I said I love you"

"ohh I love you too" we start to eat and after we finish our food I wash the dishes and carry my baby again to our room and we cuddle till we fall asleep.


I look at the clock it's 12 midnight I look back at the floor to ceiling window I see the city light and the busy street of new York.
my office is in the highest floor of my company so I can see the whole city here I smile to my self thinking of her

"happy birthday pran priya" I will see you soon very very soon I can't wait to meet you in person " lisa..."

"you know you can meet her tomorrow right I can call the pilot for you and ready the jet"

"park you know it's not the right time yet"

" okay I trust you"

"thanks park" I said not looking at her "I have a gift for her tho I want you to send it to her "

"sure but should I put someones name on it?"

" no need park she willl know it on her own"

"okay you should rest it's already late. I will make a quick call to deliver the gift for her then im out"

"hmm okay"

"bye sir" I look at her she smil at me

"stop calling me sir you know we are best friend right "

"okay bye bye"

"bye park" I look back at the window my phone ring and I take it out of my pocket and answer the call.


" sir they are planing something to her"

"hmm what is it?"

"they are planing to take her and hide her again but they still thinking of how to take her since she with the kim"

"okay continue to monitor their movements and inform me if there's new info about their plansi will call you if I need anything I need to rest bye"

"okay sir good night" I end the call and walk to my private room and lay on my bead

"we will be together soon  lisa
my daughter"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now