chapter 21

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we're her in the park rose and lisa are playing with kuma while me and unnie are sitting in the bench under the tree.

"you changed a lot jennie" she said still looking to them with the smile I smiled too

"yeah I guess so"

"im happy that you find lisa because she changed you.. in a good way by the way. you always smile your not a workaholi-

"hayy! im not a workaholic unnie"

"yes you are tell me how many hours you work when your not with lisa yet"

"I-I don't know"

"see you didn't know cuzz your tok focus on your work if we didn't go to your office to tell you to eat you wouldn't eat and you always sleep late not in your room but in your office! I thought your going to stay there all your life-

"that so mean unnie!"

"im just stating the fact jennie-ya but you already changed you're not a workaholic now you always leave your office at 6 pm and you sleep in the house now also you eat in the right time."

"now that you mention it I realized tha your right I guess I really love lisa that I changed alot"I said

"in a good way" she added we chuckled rosé and lisa walk towards us I gave her water and wipe her sweat same as unnie to rosé this two is our baby...

"nini can we buy chocolate ice cream please"

"but it's too early baby"

"pwess nini~ i want chocolate ice cream pwess"she pleaded cutely whell I can say no to that she's so adorable gohhhd in so wiped.

"okay okay but give me a kiss first" I said and pout my lips she immediately kiss me I smiled at her and hold her hand

"lets go  buy ice cream guys"

"yes!! I like mango flavor'.."

"jenndueik is ther a chicken flavored ice cream?"

"go to Japan then if you want"she looks at me with wide eyes

"what?" I ask her

"really there is chicken favor ice cream there" she ask and I rolled my eyes at her. she really love chicken that even in ice cream she want it to be a chicken flavored what a weirdo

"unnie stop asking me! just search it online and buy it if ther is really a thing exited in this world"I said and walk ahead with lisa I hear unnie say something before we go too far from her

"I will find you my chicken ice cream!"

=fast forward =

we're here in the kitchen with unnie and rosé sofia is cooking and im helping her she cooking gamjatang lisa's favorite food and spicy beef soup and kimbap and me? im cooking fried chicken😑

"why you cook a lot of different food while me just a fried chicken~ I can do the kimbap sofia"I whine at her. I know how to cook but she don't what too, actually she don't want me to help but I convince her and she let me cook the chicken!

"jennie im almost done so just what you need to do don't disturb me okay and focus while frying you might hurt your self."I just pout 'it's unfair this is my house why I can't do what I want'
i thought

"jennie I know what your thinking I just what to cook for you and your family you know for me all off you are my family. your like a daughter to me and your unnie I what to be here with you until I stop breathing😊" ahh... im not gana cry im not gana cry

"stop it you making my eyes hurt"i said looking at the ceiling to stop my eyes fri crying. its true she's been here since I was a child, she take care of me actually she doesn't have her own family my mother hired ber when she 19, she doesn't have any relatives and that time I was just 5. my mom give her a chance to study because she really wants to finish her study. she want to be a chef.

while studying she's also working here as a cook, she also play with me if she have a free time when and when she graduate she became a professional chef.

the truth is she already have her own restaurant but she's still staying here to cook for us. actually she doesn't have to work anymore cuzz her restaurants are already successful but she choose to stay with us. and I was grateful for that cuz for me she's my second mom and I don't want her away from me.

"sofia im so graceful that you choose to stay with us and you are a part of the kim so you can stay aslong as you want" I said tears in my eyes

"oww.. loke at you are you crying my little mandu" she said playfully

"i change my mind you can leave the kim's hous after you cook and never come back" I said and start cooking again I heard a giggle at my back and I know that it's the tree little kid. sofia just Lough at me and continue cooking as well

"okay all don leat eat"
I said after we prepared the food sofia is with us earlier she didn't get a chance to eat with us cuzz ther is an emergency in her reto neer the house so she went ther.

"thanks for the food!" we all said and start to eat

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