chapter 18

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Im alive.....

that's what I thought...

BUT hey it's for my lili so I will do anything that she want...
right now we're heading towards the DOUBLE ROCK SPIN. I hope that after this im still breathing

"mandu im telling you if I didn't get away from them  right now im going to die!"

"unnie I can't do anything I can't say no to my baby!" I said frustrated

"how about we  excuse our selves that-that we have an emergency me-"

"and why is that chu?" rosé ask interrupting unnie in her plan

"i-i it's it's ahmm Im just talking her about how good the next ride hehe"

"hmmm... if you say so.. now! come on me and lisa are so excited!!"rosé squealed like a teenager gir who see her long time crush

"ohh yes!! im excited too...(I hope I can survive this) hehe.." I said awkwardly not knowing what to do next I can't move my legs to walk any farther I think if I move my legs I will faint

"lets go nini!"lisa said and pull me excitedly towards the line and.....
I see hell..


"what is it jen?..."

"if I die would you take care of my lili and prote-"

"I can't"

"why is tha-"

"because! I don't even know if I can survive this too!!.  you know that between you and me im more scared in heights!!!!"she whisper yell at me

"you have a point there unnie...
like earlier you literally fainted in rollercoaster hahaha"I can't stop laughing remembering her face earlier it's so hilarious.  she glared at me" and you also throw up after the rides hahah-


"ohh F*CK here comes the hell..."whe both utter at the same time

=fast forward=

I won't go there again. I don't want  to ride those killer rides.
 it's night already 7pm to be exact we are currently in my favorite restaurant here in Seoul the L's resto
to eat for dinner im hungry all of my energy got drained because of all the ride.

the waitress walk towards us to get our order, but I see that the tree upper button of her shirt is open showing her cleavage I frowned at the sight it so inappropriate

"hello lady's can I get you order?"she smiled at them and look at me seductive while biting her lips I frown again but didn't utter a words but she's starting to touch my arm. I was about to speak and stop her, when I feel a super dark and heavy aura a shiver run to my spine and all the hear on my body stand straight.

I look where is the aura coming from and it's my one and only lili. she's looking at the waitress chest and in to her hand that currently stop stroking my arm. I think they all feel what im feeling right now, her aura is so strong that even the people who were looking at us earlier to admire us stop talking and looking scared at her right now.

"woman" she spoke darkly that makes me scared hell I never been scared to someone all my life! I started sweating this is the first time I see this side of her. HELL I didn't even know she has  dark side like this it's so scary I look at to chipmunk asking for help but she's not meeting my eyes and I think I see her shakin-"you will  remove that filty had of yours to my girlfriend or you will never have a chance to use it again!"  she said coldly without any emotion in her face the waitress remove her hand to mine and hang her head low with her body shaking in fear

"s-so-sorry ma'am"she whispered

"fix you clothes and call the manager... right now!" she ordered. the waitress almost run away like there's a killer behind her.... well I guess I know what she feel. I look back at lisa and she's also looking at me he look is so scary like if I make a move im gana die. i smile at her nervous of what will happen to me

"I i-i I didn't do anyt-"


"yes ma'am"I said defeated and look down at the table. I never feel dominated before and now I know what it feels like.

the manager stand besides between unnie and chipmunk.

"ahh hello madam what can I help you?"the manager ask politely looking at the four of us his eyes stop to lisa who's staring at him blankly" mi-miss lisa?" he said. how did he know who's lisa

"fired her and make sure all your stuff will work professionally not like someone who will act like a stripper to anyone who they see. it is a restaurant not a strip club!"she said boldly I was speechless I I dont know what to say im just looking at lisa mouth open.

"yes ma'am im really sorry about this incident. I will make sure it will never happen again im so sorry I will send a new waitress here madam.."he said and bow before walking away im just looking at his back until he entered the dor then I feel something is moving.... no it is someone and it's lisa she stradle in my lap facing me.

her look is more softer than earlier she's back in her baby side and I sigh in relief she move forward and peck my lips before burying her face in my neck. I hug her so she won't fall  I look at unnie and rosé and they looking at me like saying 'what the F*CK just happened?' well I don't know

one thing I know 'DON'T make her jealous so you will live longer'

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