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It's been a year since lisa graduated as a bachelor of arts in photography with the award of summa cum laude, and I'm so proud of her that i bought her 3 new high-end cameras that she loves so much that it makes me think that she loves it more than me. and after a month of her graduation we get married.

now she's  a certified photographer she's now working at the Kim's empire as a photographer for the model that promotes our product and she also owned studio, and her father joined his company with the Kim's and she chooses lisa as his heiress , at first lisa refuse but her father insisted and he said that it's for his future grand children. speaking of grandchildren lisa and i started to do the IVF and lisa wants to be the one who would carry the baby.

well let's go back to the current situation so im her in the basement looking at the man Infront of me I've been looking for him for so long his good at hiding and im impressed, i didn't expect it to take this long to find the bastard!.

"So where did we stop again?" I asked the man who was sitting on the floor that he was chained up and full of bruises all over his face and arms and even on his legs his clothes were destroyed "Ohhh right i remember we're continuing our daily activity!" i excitedly blurted out

"pi-please I can't. i can't take it anymore just kill me!!"

"But why??" i ask him " i can't do that. i looked for you for so long and now you want me to kill you that easily? don't you think it's unfair for me?" i ask him tilting my head to the sides

"I can't take it anymore please!!"

"so it means lisa is stronger than you. look at her having the best day of her life she's currently having fun in the zoo... but sadly i can't come with her because i need to be here hayss may lili im sure she's eating ice cream right now im miss her already." i look back at him "Just imagining how you treat her before makes my blood boiled how can you do bad things to an angel like her." i shake my head

"I'm sorry please i didn't mean to do douse things to her."

"You don't mean to hurt her?! every f*cking day you would beat her for. thing that she doesn't have any control with!" i yelled i take my gun and shoot him on his left leg, he cried in pain but i don't care "you hide for how many years but luckily i found you and now your karma is here Wonwoo would love to see you in hell don't you think?"

"Just f*cking kill me! if you want to kill me just do it please don't make me suffer."

"But that's what i wanted! i want you to suffer, for you to feel the pain lisa felt whenever you beat her untill she passout.' i said wallk to the table where toys " what do you want me to ise this time? a cutter, hammer, drills ohh i like this one a knife!!" i said and take the knife from the table i look at it. it's a silver pocket knife "i want yo write on your skin!" i walk near him i squat Infront of him, i tried yo move away but i hold his shoulder and pull him down face flat on the floor.

"no no please!! " i start to write on his back the word ' abusive ' using the knife "please stop!!! please" he yelled but i continue until i Finnish curving the last letter i smile at my work so beautiful.

"I'm having fun with you it's worth it being here hahaha. what do you thing about the cutter? we can use it on your finger you've been here for how many days now and you nails are starting to gather some dirt and it's disgusting!." looking at his feet i cringe. i stand up and when to the table i take the cutter and look back at him and start to walk again

"Jennie please... no no no please no!!"
I grabbed his foot and was about to cut him but my phone started to vibrate in my pocket I placed the cutter down on the floor and take my phone it's Irene Unnie she's calling

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