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"You think i can forgive you that easily?" i was startled with her loud voice I looked back at her "You promise not to follow me here in LA!" i fiddle with my fingers nervously

"I'm sorry..."

"because you say sorry you think i will forgive you?"

"No of course no baby i just want to say sorry" i said and held her hands " I'll buy your favorite chocolate ice cream with chocolate Oreo topings!" she thinks for a moment before she agreed

"Okay but your not yet forgiven until i got my food" she said and i grin at her and nod my head

"Okay we will go to the nearest Ice cream parlor after our picnic." i said we're at the park here in LA, i brought her here because she's a little bit upset with me for following her here. she have a school project where they need to take and collect photos of beautiful places and make their own photo book full of photos that they capture on their own for their photography subject, she's first year college now and in her last semester she have a high grades it very impressive. We adjust the original plan of her attending school because of her injuries and trauma, but luckily she recovered fast. and now she's taking photography and doing her final project for her third semester.

She doesn't want me to come because she wants to surprise me with the photos. she chooses LA for her project at first i disagree but in the end i just let her, she went here with her other classmates she made me promise not to fallow her here but welp I can't help my self. i really miss her im not used to not having her by my side.

She laid her body on my lap and i started to pat her hear "i just want to remind you."

"of what lili?"

"It's not even that long when i left korea it's just literally 3 days your just being dramatic and now here you are in LA with me!" she whined i look at her in disbelief

"Excuse me.." i said putting my hand on my chest acting so offended by her words "3 Days is long special when im in Korean and you're in LA, your so far to me and i can't bear the pain of missing my baby for that long lonely days!" i dramatically said she laughed " How can you be so cruel to me lili, why would you laugh like that knowing how much i suffer for those 3 awful days?" i sak her

"We video call all-day and night for 3-day it's like we were together 24 hours! except when you're in shower or sleeping " she reason out

"Exactly!! imagine how lonely i feel showering alone or sleeping alone not having you besides me, for me to hug ugh just remembering that lonely nights makes my hear ach." i said placing my hand on my chest where my heart located.

"Hahaha nini stop that! you're being dramatic. hahaha so silly." she said taking my hands away to my chest i tickle her side that makes her giggle. "No no tickles!"

"Okay okay hahaha." i smile at her " I'm so happy that you're here with me..." i said remembering the memories 2 Years ago i cringe remembering what happened ....

"I know what your thinking nini"

"Please you don't have to say it."

"But I want too!" she grind at me "You remembered the accident that happened in OR years ago!" she said laughing so hard and groaned and hide my face at the palm of may hands the scenes flashback in my head....


= Flashback 2 years ago in OR=

"Jennie?" i heard Jisoo unnie called me at the same time the door from the operating room opened "What on earth-" and at that moment I knew that everything will change.

"Are you the relative of miss Lee Soo-Jin ?" the doctor ask me

"Huh??" i look at him dumbfounded

"Huhh?? Are you related to miss Lee Soo-Jin??"

"i-i I'm no-"

" No she's not maybe it's the effect of her meds sorry doc. we're going thank you" Jisoo unnie said and help me to standup the nurse held the wheelchair for me to sit on i look around and found my family standing on the side neer the wall. i can see that they are trying to stop their laugh



"Lisa is...."

"Lisa is in her room she's fine now.....ppfftt! ahem" mom said looking away from me i nod my head i look around trying to find the nurse who brought me in the OR but i can't find her. where the f*ck is she!.

"Ahem you have a Good scene there unnie it's the first...." Rosé said and i glared at her

"Just shut up!" i lower my head in shame hiding my face with the palm of my hands.... then they all burst out in laughter. god why this things are happening to me!! jusk kill me! "stop it!"

"u-Unnie i hahahha i got it on video!" i look at Rosé

"what the f*ck rosé! delete it now!" i demanded glaring at her but she just ignored me and continued to laugh with the other "Rosé please!!"

" I'm sorry unnie but no i might be able to use this against you someday"

please god just take me......

=End of splashback=

" please just forget about that! it's embarrassing lili" i whine

"but it's funny! hahaha i remember when they told me the story of what you did and chipmunk showed me the video i don't know what to feel or should i be sand seeing you cry or laugh cause youry crying for someone you though that it was me." she laughed so hard that her eyes start to tear up

"stop it lili... it's super embarrassing for me! imagine your self crying your heart out and in the end it was a wrong person! the thing is they even take a video of me doing so! ughh!!! I don't want to remember that again it's the nurse fault after all she brought me there so i thought it was well im glad it wasn't you, but still! until now rosé still have the video! that brat."

"Heyy don't call chipmunk like that she's just intelligent, she knows what are good to use or what not."

"Yes so she's brat she almost use all my money in my card!" she looked at me in disbelief

"You have a black card it's impossible for her to use all your money from buying foods."

"well your right but still she eats a lot you know and it's hurting my pocket"

" She just love foods and i love foods and i eat a lot too so it means im hurting you pocket too??"

"of course not baby it's different your my baby you know that!"

"i don't like to go to ice cream parlor later i changed my mind" she said and turned her back to me what the....

"are you on your period?" i ask her and rub her lower back she turned back to me She looked at me with teary eyes and nodded her head and there you go the ters start to fall down on the side of her head. " Ohhh baby don't cry it's okay " i said and wipe her tears she sits down and straddle my lap she hugged me and cry on my shoulder...
whell... things change so fast and so the mood ....

"back hurts nini and tummy." she complained in her baby voice i hug presing her head a little bit on my right shoulder with my left hand. i sway our body side to side trying to soothe her feeling. then eventually she falls asleep, i smile contentedly i love being with her and being able to hold her in my arms like this

" We still have long way to go" i mumble looking at her sleep face "and I'll make sure to hold on tight in every step that we make." i tighten my hold on her body

"I love you." she mumble while sleeping

"I love you too. My Baby lili"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now