chapter 4

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when I look at her she's no longer in the bed she's in the very corner of the room curled up in to a ball and crying I hurriedly ran towards her and hug her,

"baby im here im here don't be scared shhh dont cry im here nini is here" i said while rubbing my hand in circular motion in her back

"ni( sob) ni they are here they will hurt me a-again"

" it's just a bad dream no one will hurt you I will protect you okay don't worry stop crying baby" I said yes that's true I will protect her.. I feel like I need to protect her I have this feeling towards her its new to me but I know the this feeling is good.

"do you what to sleep besides me??" I look at her she nod her head I stand and Carry her.

"lisa do you still eat? because you're so light I can easily carry you?" I ask her she stop crying she's hugging my neck her legs are on my waste.

"I eat bread yesterday" she mumble in my neck. what the! a bread yesterday?? I stop walking and look at her I can't see her face

"it means you didn't eat anything the whole day today?" I ask her

"ye-yes nini i- I dont have money and I don't know how to find food" she said in a child like voice

"okay that's it!! lets go to the kitchen I will make a food for you before we sleep okay?" she just nod her head we walk down stairs.. I mean I walk down stairs while carrying her

=fast forward after lisa eat=

Jennie's bedroom

"lisa you should take a bath first before we go to bed go to the bathroom I will just get some clothes for you go to that door that's the bathroom;" I ordered her she entered to the bathroom room I go to my walk in closet and take a pair of black P.j for her I'm about to get the hair dryer but I hear lisa screaming I run to the bathroom and it's not lock so I entered and........






she look at me and......

im gana die oh my god
sh-she run to me and hug me and she's still NAKED ohh lord I cant move
am I dying no... no... NO...... it can't be!!! im still single I didn't even experience to be in a relationship. (you're over thinking again ruby jane 😕) shut up yo-

"nini it hurts ( sob)" she's crying again I look at her

"what hurts baby?" she showed me her shoulder and it's a little bit red. I frowned when I saw it I already forgot that she's naked

"what happened lisa??"

"th-the the water is hot nini I dont know why"

"ohh dont you know how to use the shower ?"

"no..." huhh?? how could she not know okay I need to help her DOT judge me I don't have any bad intention okay and im also a girl too even Im a gay it do- ( stop blabbering just help her jennie ) I know what to do you don't hav-( Just do it!!! Damm you!!) o-okay you don't have to be mad!

"okay I will help you come"

=fast forward=



I wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for us rosé is helping me.

"baby what happened last night why jennie ask you to fetch her" she didn't know cuz when I got back she's already sleeping

"she's with a girl if im right lisa is her name and there's no taxi so duik don't have any choice!" I started

"ohh this is the first time unnie bring a girl in the house😏 she likes her I know it!" she said hahaha like me rosé knows jennie too we are childhood best friend that's why she really know her

"you're right that's what im thinking too last light because she let the girl touch her she even CARRY!! the girl cuz it fall asleep;" I said emphasising the word carry. cuz jennie never did that to anyone even in a kid her expressions change she's now looking at me with shock face hahah cute.

"Really she did that oh my god!!!!" she said while squalling like a fangirl hahah she's waiting for jennie to be in a relationship for so long she want to see the soft side of jennie and also all our friend.

"yes she-" I got cut of what im about to say when I so a madu... WHAT???? it is too early for her to wake up this is the first time she wake up on her own and it's early in the morning oh my god is this the end of the wor-

"No unnie it is not the end of the world!!"jennie said ohh did I say it out loud??

"no you didn't" rosé what the... then how did she know what im thinking and-and also rosé OMG they can hear my th-

"NO we can't hear your mind unnie/babe" they both said

"babe it's just we know how your brain works and also your expression say it all! that's why😊." rosé

"yeah chipmunk is right but im not sure if you really have a brain maybe I just know because of your expression🙄" jennie said what the hell !!!

"jennie why you're so mean to me im you UNNIE im older than you!" I started she just shrug her shoulder hmpp.

"jennie unnie whe already cooked breakfast" rose said while preparing the food.

"okay thank you chipmunk," she said she take her phone out of here pocket and call someone..


im calling my secretary I forgot to message her last night

📲 "hello miss. kim?"

"hello krystal im not going to work today and tomorrow" I said in a cold voice

📲" yes miss. kim I will cancel all your appointment. is that all miss kim?"

" yes that's all for now I will just call you if I need something." I didn't wait for her response I just end the call.

"you're not going to work unnie??"rose ask me she's already devouring the food hahaha she really love to eat. chu is just sitting to her sit watching her chipmunk.

"yes I have important things to do I'll be back im going to call lisa. I know you know already what happened last night im expecting you to know her already" I started while walking towards the stairs. I didn't hear her reply, I entered my room I walk to the left side of the bed where lisa is sleeping. I seet next to her end gently tap her cheek it's si fluffy hehe

" hey lili wake up it's already morning~" I whisper neer her ear she slowly open he eyes and adjusting to see me clearly she look at me and smile.. oh gooooood she's so beautiful

"hi good morning lili" I smiled at her. ohh I forgot to tell you all I call her lili because... I don't know.....😑

"good morning nini"

"did you have a good sleep?" I ask her

"yes this is the first time that I have a good sleep~" she said cutely hehe she's like a baby...

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now