chapter 14

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hello everyone I know you know me already, but im still going to introduce my self. hi im lalisa im 18 year's old ang my birthday is March 27 I won't give you more information about, but I will tell you something. I have a BIG secret and you will know it soon,😏 so ahhh lets go back to the story.

im busy looking around while clinging my arms to jennie we are neer to we're neer to elevator when someone talk jennie stop from walking ang look at the man who's wearing a expensive business clothes. the people around us are talking about him and nini im just looking at jennie and the man.

"hi babe.." the man said again. babe?? who's babe is he referring to nini I look at nini and she's looking to the man without any expression. what is happening here??

"kai."nini said in a different tone I shiver slightly how can she do the she just say a word but it affect so much on me is the employees I think thei feel what I feel I look back at jennie whos still looking at the man whos named kai

"babe its been so long since I sow you here! I keep coming here but they always say that you're not here because you're in vacation??"the man said. why he keep call my nini that name is he nini's boyfriend?, but unnie and chipmunk said that she's single I I don't know what's happening now. I just pout I feel hurt I thought nini loves me!' I slowly take my arms away from jennie she look at me and take my right hand and intertwine it to hers.

 I just pout I feel hurt I thought nini loves me!' I slowly take my arms away from jennie she look at me and take my right hand and intertwine it to hers

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i look at her she smiled at me that make me smile too

"lili don't listen to him okay just listen to me only😊"she whisper to me I just nood and hold her hands too.

"tell me what do you want mister kim?"she ask kai coldly. she's so scary even tho her words is not for me im feeling scared.

"babe don't be formal to me we will be having our own family soon you can just call me babe or what so ever!" he said proudly I tighten my hold on jennie she squeeze it slightly telling me that everything is fine I smile slightly to her. well im feeling low right now compared to kai. he looks good but not for me! and hes rich he can give everything to nini unlike me look at me now im the one who's depending to nini I don't know a lot of things I don't have anything😖

"so I can call you what ever I want?" nini ask him

"yes babe" he said with a big smile on his disgusting face. oppss sorry im being bad girl now if nini will hear me she will be mad. I see jennie smile at him. why she's smiling!! and she said something that make me giggle...

"okay hey DOG.."hahah oh my god I love her attitude she's so savage I hear a lot of employees are laughing and the others are stopping the their laugh hehehe. the look on his face is so satisfying his mad now.

"w-what did you say babe?"

"don't call me babe!!" jennie said feeling irritated to him.
"we are not in a relationship and we will never be!!" she add ohh they are not!! ohh I smile brightly I can't hide it hahaha.

"you can't do this to me jennie!! it's been a year since I started courting you! you can't just turn me down like it's nothing!!" he yell while pointing his index finger angrily to jennie.I was startled to his outburst I started feeling anxious but I try to hide it I Don't want jennie to feel worried to me."you know what I can do jennie don't try me!" he threatened her. I can't stop my self there's a lot of memories that coming to me, it's getting harder for me to breath. jennie notice it and look at me with worried and panic all over her face,


I was just listening to this dog barking while listening to his threat I noticed lisa having a hard time to breath I quickly hug her"hey love im here calm dow he can't do anything to us okay its okay breath slowly common you can do it"i said to her calmly and sign my bodyguards to take the dog away from us

"hey! what are you doing?" kai yell at my bodyguards."jennie you can't do this to me!! you B*TCH!!" what the hell.. who do he think he is to call me lije that! I glared at him im really mad right now because of him lisa got triggered again and now he call me B*TCH..

"get out off here before I cut your head you bulldog!!" I said to him angrily he's shaking in fear and sweating hardly but his trying to hid it  huhh... what a kid.

"i-i-I will be ba-back  yo-you ca-can't stop me!"he said and quickly run away hayss!!

"hey lili look his not herw anymore calm dow okay breath in and breath out slowly, common do it for me my love I whisper to her right ear calmly. but inside of me im panicking what if she faint what if she can't stable her breathing what would I do!. there's a lot of possibility that rung to my brain but I need to be calm so she will calm too."look at me lili im here i will protect you look at my eyes baby" I said. she look at me in the eye's I can see tears in her eye's ohh my baby is having a hard time she trying to breath properly.
she's starting to calm down and im gratefully for that. she hug me again and I carry her in my front I can hear a gasp from the people around us. I started to walk inside the elevator my bodyguards stay out of the elevator they are going to ride the other elevator for employees only this elevator is for me and my family only no one allowed to use this if they are not my family.

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