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"F*CK!!!" I shout " how the F*CK that Boat get caught by the police!!" I said angrily that boat is the one im going to use to get lisa! I can't get her without that boat!

"Sir we didn't know that there's a patrol today and also we didn't get informed that they are not allowing boat in 2 days for the safety purpose."

" why on earth they will do that?! there's no storm or so? and now where's my boat?!"

"ahh.. about the boat sir..."

" what!?" I said looking at him angrily waiting for his reply. he look down on the floor

"ah.. well they caught our people who's in the boat and they take the boat with them they confiscate it and brought to their base to create farther investigation ahmm. they cough some of our man in the boat using drugs and a- also the boat is-is not re-registered" I punch him in the face and he fall on the floor holding the spot were I punch him

" I tough you registered it! I gave you the money that you need to registered the boat!!" I shout at him

"sir i- im sorry I-I didn't mean to u- use the money please im sorry !" he said and kneels down and begin for forgiveness. I kick him gain and again until he cough with blood

" all of you are use less!" I grab my gun on the table and point it to him."

"boss please im sorry don't kill me I promise I will help you to get her just please don't kill me" he beg for his life.

"I want lisa now can you do that for me?" I ask squatting in front of him I point the gun in his head " can you bring her to me  today?!!" I shout at him

" I- I will do my best to bring her to you s-sir." I nod my hed and stand up looking down at him

" okay. but if you failed to bring her here today I will make sure to kill you but I will kill your family first in front of you. do you understand?"

"yes sir I- I understand."

"good now go and bring her hero to me make sure that no one fallow you here  no one should know where we are."

"okay sir." he stand up and walk out off my room I stand up looking at my floor to ceiling window I take my glass of vodka.

"lisa you'll be in my arms very soon and your disgusting girlfriend can't do anything about it hahaha. we will leave together!"


"lili im sorry we can't ride the boat today I just got a notice from Mike that the police patrol are not allowing boat or any water vehicle to sail today, I'm sorry love" I said and hug her we are having a breakfast and I just got a message last night about the boat but she's already sleeping so I just told her now.

" ohh that's sad. but it's okay nini we can try next time okay?" ahh my baby is so understanding

" okay love go eat your food we will go out later and visit some of the famous place here that we didn't get to see yesterday." I said while slicing her pancake in to a bite size so she won't choke, she have a habit that she will just shove food on her mouth so I need to check on her every minute. and it becomes my routine constantly checking on her if she's okay.

" nini after our breakfast can I have chocolate bar? please~" oh no it's too early for chocolate but how can I say ni to her..

"what about later baby after lunch? it's too early for chocolate baby." I try to convince her because she eat too much sweet im afraid the she might get sick.

"but nini please? just- just 1 small chocolate please nin~~" she's using her cuteness on me.

" but lil-"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now