chapter 20

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I woke up 4:27 in the morning. what the F*CK!! a wet dream really jennie? why on earth would you have a wet dream about your baby lili huh..
anyway I remember our talk last night before we sleep, she said that she meet the manager twice accidentally when she's with rose and unnie that's why he know her.

she said when she's with rosé and unnie they always bring her to the park to walk and play after that they will bring her in L's restaurant that why she knows the manager because he accidentally bump in to her when she's walking towards the restroom with rose and the second time they meet again when the manager see her again in the restaurant that's when lisa introduce her self to him.

my baby is so polite im so proud of her she's starting to communicate with other people without being scared or flinching she's.

I see my phone in the bedside table light up I take it and see a massage from my private investigator. it's too early in the morning for him to text me I look at the time again and I was startled that its already 6:40 am! what the F*ck sow I was spacing out for 2hours and 20 minutes that was creepy!

I read the massage and he said that he found lisa's parents and importation about her family and he will meet me anytime I want.

I text him that he can come in my house later so we can talk. it's my dayoff today so im available unless my baby want to go somewhere or do somthing.

I slowly stand up so I won't wake her up. I went downstairs to cook our breakfast but im late already our person cook is already done she smile at me and greet me a good morning.

"good morning too sofia what did you cook I was about to cook but yeahh you're done already"

"ohh is that so im sorry for ruining your plan my bad hahaha but hey im the cook in this hous don't still my job im happy cooking for you and your family... and I still need this job" whe Lough on what she said sofia is working here for how many years now she's a good cook like a professional chef she's like a second mother to me she's the one who's taking care of e when my parents are in abroad that why we are close to each other

"by the way I cook bacon and fried rice and eggs also thers a waffle withe strawberry syrup and waffle with chocolate syrup with Burberry"now that she mention the food I feel hungry

"okay thank you I will just wake-up my baby"she nod her hear in agreement and I walk upstairs and entered oir room wow it feels good saying that it's our room not my room anymore. I walk near her and sit in the bed I lean in her face and kiss her chicks nose forehead lastly her lips.

"wake up baby it's time for breakfast~" murmured in her ears and kiss her temple

"hmm~"she humm her eyes are still close

"baby wake up or unnie will eat your waffles with chocolate syrup and blueberry~" I said and she immediately open her eyes and look at me I smiled at her hahaha she really love waffles with chocolate syrup.

"no! that's mine nini~"

"yes yes it's all yours now come give me a kiss" she kiss me and we headed to the dining area. unnie and rose are already sitting in their sit waiting for us.

"good morning unnie and chipmunk" lisa greet them and hug them they greeted her back and me too.I pull her chair and make her sit and I sit besides her while unnie and rosé on the other side of the table.

"let's eat" I said and put the food in lisa's plate and do the same for me we start to eat

"do you have any plan for today you wake-up early today sofia told us" unnie ask

"I will stay here in the house the detective will come here later he already we will talk later he already find lisa's family" they all look at me and with wide eyes

"really nini he already find my mother!" lisa ask me and I nod my head

"yes baby"

"jennduik why it took so long for him to find her family for all I know hes a good detective"unnie ask me. I look at them should I tell them why or not whell they deserve to know right.

"ahhh... actually there's this thing we are wandering"

"what is it unnie?" rosé

"he can't find lisa parents information and for the first two weeks and even their location it like their identity is hidden?"

"really but he already find them now right?"

"yes! and later he will explained everything to us. now enough for the talk let's eat" they agree and we start to eat after that lisa ask me if we could go to the park to walk

"we want to come too" unnie and rosé said.

okay lets go to the park kid's"I said

"yehey!!" they all yelled ohh god I don't want to be their nany I rolled my eyes but still smiling im happy that we have time together

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now