chapter 36

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"I can't believe this!" I hear from the back seat.

"im sorry okay I didn't mean to forgot about you!"

"you're impossible. how can you forgot about me? I thought you love me but you didn't even realize that im not on your side when you all leave?"

"seulgi... babe I already explained to you and I already said im sorry please stop your tantrums okay?"

"hump don't talk to me!" seulgi unnie said and turn to the car's window sulking like a child

"ughh such a child!" unnie mumble but we still heard it. seulgi look at her for a moment before speaking.

"you can't touch me for 2 weeks!" she said before looking turning back to the window

"WHAT!?" she said out loud and I feel my baby flinch at the sudden loud noise, I hold her and pulled her closer to me. I glared at unnie

"lower you voice!" I said sternly I know Irene we have a same attitude  she's a bitch too like me but she know when to stop and know here limitation.

"sorry jen.." she look back at seulgi unne and move closer to her and hug her waist "bair im sorry please don't do this to me you know I love you.. and you also know that I can't survive a days without touching you! how about the 2 weeks what do you think will happened to me? Im gonna die."

" you two are making me feel cringe. look I have goosebumps" dahyun said showing her arms to us

"yunei can I have some of your chocolate? it's so delicious."

"of course lis here you can have it all" dahyun said giving my baby a box of chocolates oh no... If she it all of that she will be energetic the whole night

"baby you already eat a lot earlier you will get a tommy ache"

"but nini I want more" she pout

"okay you can have 2 more chocolates but that's it. you can have the rest tomorrow okay?"


"no more but's lili you choose you can have 2 more chocolates or nothing at all?"

"2 chocolates"

"hmm that's what I thought."

=fast forward=
at the airport

we are now here at the airport walk inside the airport there's a lot of people looking at us but I don't care about them they're just going to waste my time, all I care about is the girl walking besides me who's eating chocol-  she's eating chocolates again! I stop walking and look at her she's look up at me and smile sheepishly.

"it's delicious" she said I heard my frinds and family giggle at her cuteness.

"jennie just let the girl be. if she wants to eat her chocolates you can't stop her, she loves them" mom said. we'll I guess im not the only one who's spoiling this little one.

" honey I thing you found people who's going to spoiled you." lisa's mom said. I just smiled at her and look back ta lili

"yeah she's my lili so she will get everything she wants"

"and she's our sunshine" seulgi unnie said. and all  friends agree to her we start walking again, I can see people taking pictures of us but didn't try to get closer to us of course they know better than to take closer step to us.

we walk to my private plane our luggage are already inside the plane, I see my pilot standing besides the stair.

"good evening it's nice to see you again." he hold his hand out for a shake hands and im about to hold it but there's someone who snatch my hand and hold it firmly.

"hi mister. pilot! can we go now? I want to see what it looks like inside!" lisa said excitedly looking at me not minding the pilot in front of us

"ohh sorry. you may go inside ma'am we will take off in 15minutes" he said and bow a little bit for respect. I just nod my head and help my baby walk upstairs. the other fallow us inside the plane and settle on their seats.

"wow nini it's so beautiful!!"she said happily. and look around inspecting every corner of the plane.

"really? im glad you like it"

"hmm yes I really like it. look it have kitchen too"

"ohh wait I will get you a water to drink you eat a lot of chocolates you need water so your throat."

"okay" I handed her a water battle "thank you nini"

"wel baby. let's go and sit the plane will take off soon."

we sit on our seats and I buckle her up, I take the hand carry bag that sitting beside my seat. I open it and take a travel pillow and her favorite blanket it has a rabit design on it.

"here baby put it on your neck" I said and give here the pillow, I place the blanket over her waist down to her feet. " do you need anything else baby?"

"na uh. I good nini thank you."

"okay. I love you"

" I love you too" she said I peck her lips and smile at her.

" why? they always left me behind😭"

Hi guys a little update😅 before taking my midterm exam. sorry for not updating.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now