Chapter 50

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I can't breathe what's going on my head hurt my body hurt. I can feel a soft cushion I slowly move my body my eyes are close and feels heavy remembering what happened before I pass out I immediately open my eyes and look around I can see that it's already dark outside base on the look where's the window allocated which is on the left side of the bed there's two doors on the other side of the room one door is open and I think it's a bathroom ind for sure the other door is  the way out of this room. the room looks like a normal room white walls a bed, bed side table with lamp and and study's table with chair that's all. my heart is beating so hard inside my chest and it's painful im having a harf time to breath I sit and move closer to the side of the bed.

I stand up but wince and sit back down on the bed because of the pain I feel on my ankle i look down to my feet seeing shade of red on my ankle looks like i sprained my right ankle.

"I need to get out of here. I'm sure nini is so worried right now." I mumble to my self " calm down you need to calm dow like nini said." tears start to flow on my cheeks and I try to wipe it away but it continues to flow "i-i want to go home." I cry silently im scared nini where are you? "she-she's hurt." I said to my self remembering her state before the guy took me away from her.

I try to stand up again and make sure not to put too much pressure on my right foot I manage to walk limping to the close door and try twist the knob but it won't move "they lock me here" I turned around and work my way to the window is also lock. I try to look outside for any sign or anything that can help me but all I see is strong wave of water crushing on the rocks where am I? I went to the bathroom to find anything that can help me to protect my self from my kidnapper but I found nothing.

I walk back to the bead to sit and think of how can I escape but im scared my heart is still beating so loud like it's spreading all over my body. I hear footsteps and I feel more scared I crunched down on the floor besides the bead. I can hear it's getting closer and then I hear the a lock click and the door opening, a tall masculine man wearing a all black walk in. he look around then look at me.

"your awake that's good, I brought you dinner I bet your hungry love." he said a sheaver run down my spine and it's not a good one like what nini makes me feel. just den I realized that he was holding a tray of food, my body is trembling because I feel so scared and I don't know this man and I don't know what he will do to me. I shake my head refusing his offer to me. "common love you need to eat."
he said and start to walk closer to me I vigorously shake my head

"n-no no s stay there!! no come neer me!" I shout backing away from him until I feel ny back predd against  the wall I press my knees on my chest hugging them close to my body

"oh come on! don't make it harder for the both of us!!" he said annoyance clearly visible on his voice.

"Please let me go ba- back home i- I don't know y-you please ju- just let me go ho-home. I won't tell anyon about y-yoh pro-promise" I plead to him he smile at me creepily.

"ohh love you are already home. here with me we will be together forever!!" he said laughing like a maniac I just cry even more.

"No. no I I want nini!!" I shout even though im scared, trembling and having a hard time to breath. I can feel my anxiety bubbling and it's taking over my body and im sure im having a panic attack.

"hahaha! who?? do you mean jennie? ahh yes of course I'm sure she's dead now my men said that they shoot her so im sure she's already dead. and no one will help you!"

"no s-she's no-not dead nini is strong!! and he will bring me back home!" I shout at him he look at me with anger

"shot up!! you have no choice! you will stay here with me I been waiting for this time to have you in my arms! and I will make sure that you will love me the way how I want you to love me!!" he shout back at me making me cover my self remembering how my stepfather would hit me after shouting at me. I hide my fece in my arms and knees. I hear him walking towards he grab my hair and yank it up to make me look at him I whimper holding his hand to lessen the pain in my head

"listen to me! you are mine! and no one can stop me even you!! you will love me because I say so! do you understand."he said yanking my harder I cry and whimper it hurts! his not letting go of my hair!!

"S-stop! please! do don't hurt me!" I cried out I grip his hand digging my nails on his hand he groan

" I don't want to hurt you lisa because I love you. but you're so stubborn. now I will not hurt you if you just fallow everything that I say!"

"stop i- I won't listen to you!" he use his left hand and grab my neck quizzing it roughly I cough "le-let go!" I try to speak Im getting weak, he leans on my ear still griping my hair and neck I can't fight back I feel so weak. and I can't breath

"I don't like your attitude towards me my love. you should listen to me if you are a good girl to me I will not hurt you but if you stay being stubborn I will punish you until your skin turns blue!" he whisper in my ears my vision is becoming hazy and black don't start to appear, he let go of me and my body falls limb on the floor gasping for air he stand up and get the try of food that I didn't know he place on the bed

" because you're not being a good girl for my baby you are not going to eat unit I decide that to gave you one." I hear the door close and tge click of the lock. that's what the last thing that I heard before I pass out.

I want my nini....

I want to go back home....

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