Chapter 51

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I have been awake for how many hours now just starring blankly on the window I can hear the sound of the wave crushing on the rock the sky is so dark and empty no stars no moon same as to what I'm feeling right now empty no jennie besides me. I was just starring with jennie on my mind hoping that she's fine hoping that she'll fiend me soon and hopefully go home as soon as possible with her by my side and we will continue our vocation lake nothing happens and we will continue the tour and ride a boat and I didn't get a chance to coddle mr. yellow it is the name I gave to my new duck stuffy until I didn't realize that I fall asleep on the bed,

I wok up and look around I'm still on the bed in the same room my head hurt. then I heard commotion I think it's coming from down stairs I immediate hide on the side of the bed when I hear a gun shot.

"what's happening?" and I hear more gut fires I crawled on the floor towards the bathroom what if someone came in and shot me I need to hide! I drag the chair from the study table and bring it with me inside the bathroom when I successfully entered the bathroom I stand up and close the door I lock it and use the chair to block the doorknob. I look around I see that the mirror on the wall actually have a cabinet behind it, I open the cabinet and look for some sort of material that can be use as weapon u found a syringe and a scissor I grab na scissor holding holding it tight

I hear many footsteps running and dors opening with a loud tod. im shaking uncontrollably I hope they won't hurt me please. please I hope it's jennie and she's her to take mo home.

"nini please help me." I whispered standing while looking at the door I hear more gunshots and people shouting. then there's a loud banging on the door and I know it is the door to this room my breathing hitch on my throat. they are here I hear another commotion before the a loud crushing can be heard. they broke the door!! oh no no no what if they are not with jennie what if they are other opponent of my kidnapper and they will take me or worse kil-

"lisa! lisa baby are you here" I hear the familiar voice of jennie whos banging the door of the bathroom.

"nini! I - I'm here" I response and remove chair

"lili come out now im here for you." I practically open the door and come out I look around buts the room is empty and it's unusually quiet I look at the direction of the door I see a shadow standing there.

"nini??" I call for her still holding the scissor in my hand I slowly walk to the door "nini im here now." I said I finally reached the door, but what I see the most horrifying scene I have ever seen in my life.

there standing in front of me is jennie holding her chest where her heart located her there's a blood a lot of blood oozing out of her chest even on her mouth. I can't move im stock I looming at her face she smile painfully on me "ni- nini! Jennie" I call for her but I can't move I can't walk to go to her then I hear I giggle a sinister giggle my blood runs cold I look at the person standing behind jennie his pointing a gun against jennie's head

" hi my love~ I told you that you only belongs to me now this girlfriend of yours need to die so I can have you all by my self hahaha" he Lough so loud

"no no please let her go pleas i- I will do everything you say ju- just don't do this please!" I cry begging for him to let her go bu he just smile at me

" na I don't care even if I kill her you don't have any choice but to obey everything that I say."

"no mo please" I look back to jennie crying hard "ni-nin!"

"say bye bye to jennie lisa she will go to far away land."

"no no it can't be! please I will do anything!"

" I'm sorry lili I fail to protect you"

"nink pi-please no don't leave me!"

"any last word jennie?" he ask his voice changing he have a sinister look in his face his smiling like he's out of his mind and I know for sure he is!.

"I - I love-"

"times up!" and he fired the gun I screamed in terror seeng jennie falls on the ground blood coming out of the side of her head she's not moving.  dead... she's dead ...


I jolted upwards sitting on the floor breathing heavily I look around and im still inside the room where my kidnapper puts me in. the door is close the bright sunlight coming from the window indicating that it's already morning. I hold on to my chest panting, it's just a dream

it's just a dream...

all of it is just a dream....

jennie I hope you're safe....

Please be safe....

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