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"mom it's been two days and she's still not waking up, I'm worried for her" we're currently walking towards Jennie's hospital room

"i know sweetie but she'll be okay she's strong and you know it." mom said and robbed my back to soothe my worries

" I hope so. and we sti-" we both heard a loud shouting coming from Jennie's room


"Please ma'am you need to calm down you'll brake your stitches!"


"ma'am please we just want to help! your wounds will reopen if you move too much!"

"Now what's happening here!" mom said in a Stern voice when we entered the room even me flinch with her voice i awkwardly sand on the side when the other people on the room look at us.

"Ma'am where stopping her form leaving here wounds are not Heald enough and i think some of her stitch reopened." the male nurse said still holding jennie on her arms and the next thing i know is he's on the floor holding his bleeding nose

" i said let go of me!" Jennie said looking at the man on the floor ready to attack the man

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim!" mom call her and we all know she's in trouble a Big trouble. she stood straight and slowly walk back on her hospital bed and si down on it.

"I .. i i ahh .... it's his fault i told him to let go bu-but he wouldn't li-"

" Shot it! i don't need explenation "

"Yes ma'am" she said and looked at the floor fiddling with her fingers on her lap I wanted to laugh but I will be in trouble too if i do so.

" Now that you're calm down can we talk calmly?" mom asked her if she just nodded her head. the man on the floor is now nowhere to find well i will do the same if im in the same situation hahaha i sit on the couch with

"Thank you, now let the nurse clean your wounds" she motion for the other nurse who's standing on the corner of the room. i don't even notice her there! jennie lay down on her bed and the nurse start do do her jub after 10 minutes she's don and went out

"Where is she?"

"we were tracking her location she's still on the island and i know for sure that they can't leave because i have my men guarding all the ports all around the island. the the searching team also the your friends are doing so things to track her. we will find her anytime soon" mom explain to her the situation

"How long I've been out?"

" almost 2 and half days." i said

"What so she's been out there with her kidnapper for 2 and half days! and im here sleeping like a god damn sleeping beauty in a fairytale!" she said shouting and mom glared at her

"Sorry Im just worried for my baby i don't know what are they doing yo her or how is she. i know she's scared and probably crying and waiting for me to save her" she said placing her face on her hands i moom closer to her and hug her.

" i know what you feel sweetie, but you need to calm down and make sure that your body is okay how can you save her if your body is not okay? just rest for now we will find her don't worry okay we're her to help"

"thak you mom and thank you too unnie."

"it's my jub to protect my family no need to thank me sweetheart mom loves you." mom said and kiss her forehead and also mine i smile at her.

" Does Lisa's tracking device not working?" jennie said out of the blue we both look at her like she's crazy or maybe she is!
"she have?" i ask
"you didn't know!?"

" how on earth we would know?"

"didn't i told you about that?"

" Hell no you don't!'

" i did told you about the necklace i made for her that it have a tracking device inside the pendant!"

" the hell i don't remember anything about that if I know you think search for her will last for two and half da-"

"The day you rudely entered my private workshop without permission?"

"i.. i should inform the others about thi-"

"i already told them" mom said

"that's so fast"

" what? do you expect me to wait for you two to finish your bickering No thank i need to find my other baby." she said and stand up

" she's my baby!" Jennie argue

" well im her mommy Kim!"

"where are you going mom?" i ask

" I'm going back to the villa there tracking her using Jennie's phone i need to see what's happening"

"mom I'm coming with you Jennie said and try to standup

" no you need to stay here."

"but mom she's my girlfriend i need to be there too! i promise i will be careful so my wounds will be fine.."i h

"hayss you're sho stubborn okay let's go" i see uncle ray enter the room "ray were going back to villa you know what to do." i help jennie to sit on the wheelchair Even though she doesn't want a wheelchair but she doesn't have a choice

" yes madam the car is ready and the driver is waiting outside with the bodyguard. have a safe trip madam" he said and open the dot for us

"thank you and please stop calling me madam we already talk about this."

" sorry i can't help it hahaha"

"okay okay we will be going now" he nodded and we start to walk out of the hospital.


We are now here in the house having a meeting We are already located lisa and her location is like on the other side of the island in a private property it is a villa registered under the name of Merlin Raven, an American business woman but she's dead for almost a decade now and she have no family in korea.

"We are checking the perimeter of the property from the satellite we detect that there's indeed people occupying the villa we managed to connect to their phones and CCTV." Jeyungyeon explain

" that's right and we were able to identify the people who kidnapped lisa and also we found out that we all know who's behind this kidnapping he is a part of Underground society" Nayeon said

"What? Who is it!?" i ask angrily

To be continued

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