chapter 24

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I WILL NEVER EVER as in NEVER going to eat that chicken buffalo hell! it feels like my mouth burned so bad

"are you okay now nini" lisa ask me and check my mouth while sitting on my lap.

"yeah im okay don't worry about it im strong"she's look down on my her hand that now piddling at the end of my shirt.

"heyy baby look at me.."I said holding her both chicks make her look at me. when our eyes met her eyes are watery. oh no she's going to cry

"ohhh baby why are you crying?"

"be-because I didn't tell you that it's so spicy that's why your mouth is hurt" her tears start to roll down her cheeks and I immediately wipe it with my thumb and kiss her on the lips.

"no baby it's not your fault and don't worry about it it's nothing big deal look at me im okay!"I said convincing her so she'll stop crying.

"jenduik was right monkey she's okay your nini is strong so stop crying no okay if you're sad we will be sad too"

"yeah that's right so smile no okay I Don't want my baby be sad"

"baby lis smile now and jennie unnie will buy you ice cream~" rosé said cheering her up. she began to smile. Cute, she really can't resist ice cream. I can say that its her favorite especially if its chocolate flavor.

"that's my baby go finish your food so we can buy your ice cream"

"okay and I want a chocolate flavor"
she excitedly face the table but still sitting on my lap I hold her so she won't fall. she start savoring her food like it's not super spicy, I wander how she can handle it...

after they finish their food we went to the nearest ice cream parlor my baby is so cute she immediately ordered a chocolate flavored ice cream and settled it a table. I ordered milk ice cream and sit next to her.

"thank you nini I love you"

"your welcome baby I love you too"i said and kiss her cheeks.

"I really love ice cream"

"whi do you love more ice cream or me?" I ask her

"ohh common jenduik of course she love the ice cream" unnie said

"what the hell unnie!"

"what im just stating the fact"ahhh okay that's how you play huhh. I look at rosé who's busy devouring her own ice cream I look back again to unnie she's smirking at me I smirk back at her and look back at rosé.


"hmm yes unnie??"

"do you know what chu did yesterday when your not with us?"I look at unnie she look confuse hahaha you watch chicken

"what is it unnie?"she ask and look at chu

"she flirting with other yesterday" I said. it's not true im just kidding but I want to mess with her. unnie's eyes widened like they are going to pop out of her head hahaha

"is it true chu??"rosé said glaring at her

"n-no no she's lying babe!!"she stammered hahaha she's really scared of chipmunk I can't believe the kim jisoo that know to our family as a cold heared than me slis scared of her chipmunk." jennie tell her that it's nit true!" she said looking like she's going to poop. I act like innocent and look her

"im not lying! what are you talking about unnie?" I said continuing my act ohh god hahaha her face I can't stop my lou anymore

"ahahaha I-I hahah I cant.... look like poop I I mean you look like going to poop hahah"

"you f*cking mandu!" I abruptly stop laughing.

"what did you call me!?"

"I said you f*cking mandu! and im too beautiful to be compared to poop unlike you you big mandu!"this chicken headed

"how dare you call me mandu you chicken headed human!"she gasp holding her chest, acting like she's hurt

"how dare you too to disrespect my chicken! you ungrateful brat chicken is the most delicious food in the world. you B*TCH!" what the the audacity of this chicken

"hahaha you two are so cute and funny"my lili said while giggling in her sit I can help my self but to smile and giggle with ehh then we all start laughing.

we all have fun, after we eat ice cream we start roaming around and buy some stuff and went home. my mom and is coming home tonight and she wants us all to come home and eat dinner with her. I know she will love lili for she's so excited to meet her the first time I tell her about lisa but sadly she can't come home because of her work but now she have a free time I know for sure she will stole my lili to me every time she have a chance, and spoiled her in everything.

my mom is so lovable shes sweet and caring she loves kid's and also cooking ohh I mess the food she cook for us, it's beet two months since she went to US to manage some business there.
we already arrived at our home me and unnie take all the shopping bags out of the car, and star walking inside the house with lisa and rosé besides us.... but I was startled with a loud scream of my mothe I spotted her running from the kitchen towards us with a open arms for hug. I put down all the bags that im holding and start walking towards her with a big smile in my face and my arms open wide to meet hers but....
.she didn't hug me... instead she run past me and run to lisa and engulf her with a big hug.....
how about me?
im you beautiful daughter
and im also cute and lovely
"jennie are you going to hug me or what?"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now