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i woke up with a ragged breathing I looked around me and I saw a nurse she's checking adjusting the IV that connects to my right hand.

"oh your awake!" the nurse said. but i ignored her and pushed myself in a sitting position, lisa..

"Where's lisa?"

"Who?" she looked at me  confused

"Lisa! where is she the girl who got shot!" she was startled when i raise my voice how

"sh-she's still on OR you weren't supposed to wake up this early the an-" i cut her off

"bring me to her i want to see her !" i demand

"But ma'am you ne-" i ripped the IV line from my hand it also rip my skin but i didn't care "ma'am!! why did you do that!" she said in panick, she take a bandageand hold it against the back of my hand to atop the bleeding.

"bring me to her right now!" i stand up holding the bandage myself and limp my way on the door ignoring  the ache that i feel. "Are Deaf or what?" i ask her she immediately move takinga wheelchair from the corner of the room "I don't need that!" i said.

"it's faster than you walking like that" she said and push the wheelchair neer me i sat on it and she begon to push it., after some minutes we arrive in the OR but the door is close and no one is in the waiting area

"Wheres my family? Why there's no one here ilare you su-" i was startled when the door of the OR push open and then a two Nurse running in a hurry "Nurs! what's happening?!" i ask in panic one nurs stop and look at us

" to the patient is in critical condition everything is dropping and it's not good!" he said they continue to run

"what going on?!" i stand up and look at the small window attached to the door and see the doctor doing the operation i see the heart monitor showing abnormal rate. No lisa.. baby  " Lisa common fight for your life! dont leave me!" i said my heart beat so loud inside my chest so loud that i can hear it.

"Miss you should step away from the door the doctor and other nurse are coming!" the nurse who's with me tries to pull me away but i fight to stay in front of the door

"I need to see her!" i said but she still pulled me and she successfully did so when the doctors and nurses arrived entering  the OR i tried to fallow them but the door is locked "pleas let me in i want to see her!" I cried out but they didn't let me in They continued the operation i just cried while watching them do things to her.

Then they start to revive here "no no no baby please no don't do this to me! please fight for me i need your here i need you in my life plece!" i shouted when i see the heart monitor showing a flat line "LISA!!! PLEASE!!!" the doctor stop reviving her body "no please don't stop please save her!! please I'm begging you bring her back to me please!!" one of the doctors looked on his wach and i know what his saying "no no no she's not! she's okay please save her please doctor please!!! Lisa... " my body is shaking it's hard to breathe and i feel so weak i slowly slide down on the floor crying my heart out.

why would you leave me...

Lisa is this the reason you showed up on my dream?

Because you wouldn't be here to say goodbye to me?

That you wouldn't be able to tell me that your leaving me

It's so unfair lisa... It's so unfair that you would leave me just like that !

"This is the reason why you make me promise to you in my dream?" i mumble to my self

i continue to cry not knowing what to do not knowing what's happening around me.

"Jennie?" i heard Jisoo unnie called me at the same time the door from the operating room opened "What on earth-" and at that moment I knew  that everything  will change.

          =Fast Forward After 2 Years=

I'm sitting on the grass looking up at the sky with a small smile on my lips. It's  been two years since  that happened remembering that moment gives me different feelings. i continue to stare at the sky , the sky is blue and so bright the bird is chirping and happily flying around. it's so peaceful here every time I come here i feelk so relaxed and at peace mo problems no work no stress... it's just me and her...

Just me and her...

I smile thinking of her makes me miss her even more it's been so long since i see her and hold her in my arms. I really miss her

"Lili im sorry if i can't keep my promise." i Said out loud "im sorry that i didn't follow what you said to me, i hope you can forgive me for not listening and for breaking my promise to you. it's just that i really miss you"

"i miss you so much that i can't help but want to be with you"

"I Really Miss you that i will do anything just to be with you... even do it means braking my promise to you."

"That's why im sorry i just can't bear the pain being without you for so long..."

"I'm sorry lili...

I hope you can forgive me for following you so soon..."

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now