chapter 19

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after we ate we went home we are currently sitting in sofa in my living room while watching 'inside out', well they are watching not me, im thinking about the incident earlier in the restaurant, how did the manager know who's lisa? because this is the first time I brought her in L's restaurant. hahh I can't think any idea  should I ask lisa? or not?

for all i know lisa is always with me or unnie and rosé for the past weeks that she's been living in my house and I never meet that manager before?

ahhh my head is aching haa...
okay I will just ask her later before we sleep.

=fast forward=
in JLs bedroom

im laying in our bed waiting for lisa to finish her night routine, when she's don she walk towards her side of the bed and laid beside me and hug me I hug her back and kiss her head.


"yes nini??"

"can I ask you a question?"

"what is it?"

"why did the manager know you?"


"I said why did the manager knows you?"

"oh- ahh i-i don't know?" I frowned. she don't know?

"lili are you telling the truth?"

"I don't know maybe-maybe he knows my name co-cause im always with you and see me in news?" ohh.... yahh I remember that a lot of people know her cause the reporters are not stopping following us since the day they spotted us hugging each other in a restaurant neer my company.

"oh... is that so. yeahh maybe that's the reason hmm okay lest sleep."


"huh? what do you mean no?"I ask curiously

"we're not going to sleep yet nini!"

"but why? do you want to do someth-hmm.. I didn't get the chance to finish cause she smashed her lips to mine she's so aggressive right now but I like

she move above me and put her hands besides my head to support her. this is the first time we kiss intimately but she's a good kisser tho I wander how did she know how to kiss like this....

I move my left arm around her waist and I use my other hand to pull her head to mine so a can deepened our kiss.
I lick her lower lips asking for entrance but she didn't open her mouth I feel her smile teasing me so I bite her lower lips and she gasp I slide my tongue and she moan ahh.... that is so beautiful I can feel that im getting wet down there. I need to stop something might happen! but I can't my bady is not listening to my brain!!

I put my hands in her butt and squeeze it and she moan in my mouth I put my right thigh between her legs and rub it she arch her back and moan my name I can't take it anymore I switch our position and now im the one on top of her.. tha~ im the real TOP here in this story🙄

"baby~~ you're so hot oh god.."

"hmm nini please~"

"what is it baby"I rub her side and kiss her neck and suck it a little bit

"ughh nini.... please"

"what do you want baby tell me?" I said still kissing her neck to her collarbone

"i-i hahh....I don't k-know m-mommy~" ohh Sh*t!! that's it.

I smashed my lips to her's and hold the end of her night gown I sit and took it off of her. she's not wearing bra so she's only in her black lace panty that I choose for her😏#yeah yeah hornini is here# shut up b*tch#🤐#

I can see that shes wet already, I look at her face and she's looking at me too her chicks are red

"you're so beautiful baby~" I lean to her body and kiss her again I put my left hand on her right brest and massage it she moan again and encircle her arms in my neck.. god I love this girl so much

"hmm I love you baby"

"ha.. I -I love you too"she's panting

"is it okay if I touch you?"

"huh??"ohh I forgot its her first time. you cant blame me cause she kiss si good that I forgot that she's a virgin #you're talking like you are not virgin yourself#😑

okay so back to the really it's all just a


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thank you for those people who's  reading my first story😊 sorry for my wrong gramar and slow update Im a graduating student so im so busy doing school project and module I hope you all understand.
I will update if I can

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now