chapter 23

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I abruptly step on brake and the car stop and something bump on my sit or.... I think someone! because I heard unnie groaning in the back sit but I didn't pay attention on her I just look at the smiling lisa on my side.

"baby lis you want a baby!!!?" chipmunk ask her

"yes!! I love baby...."

"re- really you.... you want a baby??"

"yes and I want it from you!!"she responds smiling at me I.. I don't know what to say.

she want a baby from me!! am I ready to have a baby?? am I going to be a good mother to our child?. do I have to think a name for our child? should I talk to a doctor to ready an IVF treatment?? should I bring lisa to the hospital to have a full checkup to know if she'll be able to carry our child?? maybe I can start renovating a room for our baby.. oohhh I want a baby girl!! I should buy her a princess dress!! Omg she will be become like her mommy!! I want her to have brown eys and a dim-

"and I also want color yellow!!"

"like the one that I saw on a TV show yesterday!"
"and it also talk nini like... kwak kwak kwakkk"

"is it..... a duck lis??" unnie ask her

"yeah.. now I remember it's a duck you're so genius unnie"

"urmm urmm su-sure hehe yeah I I will bay you your baby.... baby duck" I said awkwardly



ohh god... I already have a plan for our first baby girl🙂

im feeling like I wanna cry it so embarrassing (atlist you never said your plan out loud right Jennifer?) you have point there

"ohhh its a duck.... its a duck jenduik"

"SHUT UP unnie!. okay lest go" I said. unnie really know me so well. we're like sharing in one brain

"ohh yeahh lets buy a "baby" right unnie you will buy her a "baby" duck"rosé said teasing me. I glared at her in the rare view mirror she just Lough at me with jisoo unnie. this two are really match to each other

=fats forward=


we're are walking around the mall I already have my baby duck and unicorn nini also buy me a rainbow pillow. now we're just roaming around to buy some things that we need in the house  and some clothes too.

"nini I want to taste that food" I said and point my finger to a store it's a thai store that sells a color red food and It looks delicious I want to taste it!

"what lili that one that sell a thai food?"nini point the store

"yes nini I want to try it!"

"I never taste that before. sure lets try it, unnie chipmunk lets try that thai food"

"yess foooooooddd" chipmunk squeal happily, here comes the food lover she eat a lot but look at her body stays the same.

"yeeheyyy lets go nini lets go" I said while dragging her to the store.

"hahaha lili you're so energetic be careful you may trip and hurt your self" she warned me but still smiling, she's so cute I really love her I look at her and smile and kiss her on the lips, she was shock at first but responds to my kiss we separate and continue to walk with a smile.

unnie and chipmunk have their own word just following us while talking.
we made it to the store and I smell the foods and smells good omg!! there are so many different thai food and it looks all delicious!!

#BOLD letter means speaking in THAI#

"good afternoon ma'am do you what to try our thai foods?"
ohh she's talking in thai it's good that mama taught me thai language and other language but I never said this to nini hehe.

"hi good afternoon too, and yes!! I what.... this one can I have one?" she look surprise when I speak in thai but smile so bright she looks happy I don't know why.

"yes sure ma'am am. im glad you can speak in thai the other people are not talk to me because I can't talk in korean and they can't understand english"she said. ohh that's sad.. when no one understand you it feels lonely

"ohh that's sad well we can be friend im also a thai my name is lisa"

"nice to meet you ma'am lisa my name is nicha yontararak but you can call me minnie"

"nice to meet you too you can just call me lisa" I said she gave me the food that I want and I take it it smell so good

"it calls buffalo wings but thai version its spicy but it'sdel-"

"aahh excuse me we're still here"nini said I look at here shyly I forgot about them I just offer the food to her she look at it and look back at me raising her left eyebrow at me

"I didn't know you can speak in thai lili" I look at jisoo unnie and chipmunk they both have a shock look in their face I smile sheepishly still holding the paper plate of chicken  unnie start walking neer me

"is that a chicken"

"ye-" she didn't let me finish my answer and take the food oit off my hand

"okay lest just eat and we will talk about this at home okay lili?"

"okay nini amm by the way she can't understand korean so can you all talk to her in english or thai if you can"

"English it is " nini said I look at her back but chipmunk is not there anymore ohhh she's already eating with unnie in the table

"can I get two order of this chicken and two battled water"

"yes ma'am here"minnie said and give her two plates of chicken buffalo and the water. nini pay the food and start walking towards the table where unnie and chipmunk eating.

"bye minnie ohh here's my number you can call me if you need someone to talk bye bye"I write my number in a sticky note and give it to her before walking away

"bye lisa enjoy your food"
I smild at her and walk again

I sit next to nini.chipmunk and unnie are eating happily, I look at nini and she's glaring at me with her arms fold in her chest. my heart is bitting so fast did I do something is chest.

" a-a urmm di-did I do s-something wrong nini? is... is it about the thai lang-"

"why did you gave your phone number to her?" she said still glaring at me. "are you going to wait for her call and go outwith her and - and choose her over me!?"she said I see her eyes began to water ohh.... my nini is going to cry I stand and straddle in her lap I hold both of her chicks and kiss her lips.

"nini don't cry she's just a new friend."I said and kiss her lips again I smile I know she's jealous. "are you jealous hmm??"she pout and nod like a child she so cute I kiss her again"don't be jealous cuzz I only love you okay"

"I love you too"she said and peck my lips "lets eat I stand and sit on the chair next to her and I start eating its so spicy and delicious at the same time I love it

"it's delicious nini go try it" she take one pich of chicken and bait it. "it's delicious right?" I said and bait again while looking at her waiting for her responds, but she never did her face is getting red and her eyes start to water "nini are ypu okay?"


MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now