chapter 41

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"it's my birthday~it's my birthday~ it's my birthday today~~"

"yeah we all know that it's your birthday today hahaha" risé cackle at at her "look lili there's a souvenir shop over there lets go and see if there's a cute things there!!" she said and dragged lisa with her towards the shop.

"how about me??" I said and look at them

"you're so dramatic jennie you literally hold lisa's hand for how many  hours now, let her go with your friends you mandu." mom said

"mom we're just out like for two and a half our you sounds like I've been holding her hand for 24 hours now"

"ohh come on you to are so dramatic" unnie said while eating-

" is that a chicken?" I ask her

"yeah it's so delicious hmm~"

"where the hell did you get that from?"

"ohh there there's a food cart there you wanna try?"

"no unnie thanks by the way where's the others?" mom ask

"there just somewhere around here having their own moment" irene unnie answered

"ohh okay and where's seulgi unnie?"

"she's with rosé and lisa common let's follow them they might get in trouble."

"yeah your rene mom let- where is she?"

"ohh she's there ohh no!! she can't be there with them without someone to stop her!" I said pointing the souvenir shop

"why" irene unnie ask while we are walking towards the store.

"she will buy everything!!" chu said "specially everything that lisa wants she will gladly buy the whole store."

we hurriedly walk inside the store and j see them at the far left side of the store it looks they don't have anything in hands yet.

"there they are" I said and point to their direction.

"they don't have anything yet" irene unnie said. we walk and my jaw drop from what I see
every one of them have one big basket with a lot of stuffs in it... the hell it's jut 8 or 10 minutes that we get separate how come they get that bunch of stuffs.

"mom!" I call her she looks at me and smiled

"jen jen look at this!" she show me a bunny stuff toy in a box "the bunny have a cute little baby's here at the and it looks real! it's so cute im ganna buy this one!"

"mom- mom stop you already have a lot of things here in your basket you can't buy so much stuff we can't carry them around the place!" I said I hold lisa's hand and pull her closer to me

I look at her basket.... no BASKETS with 'S' she got three placed at the side that I didn't see earlier I face palm my self mentally and close my eyes I goshh I know im rich but if this happens continuously im going to be poor someday.

"hah... okay you all can't buy all of this stu-" I was interrupt by a whimper I look at lisa and she's looking at mi with poppy eyes and pouting lips.....

oh no... not the poppy eyes!!

"what are you saying jen?" mom ask me and I can see the smirk on her lips.


"yes of course you can buy everything you want lili I will pay for everything" I smiled at her she smiled back and peck my lips then I look at my mother and my friends " all of you it's your choice if you going to buy all of that."

"really!?" they all said in excitement

"yes but you pay for it. mom...?" she look away from me "mom I know my card is in your hand give it to me."

"im your mother you should treat me too"

"and we are your friends"

"and you all have your own black card! I need to save a lot of money for lisa!" mom sigh in defeat and give me my card. "thank you. don't worry I will buy your foods later at lunch."

"yes!! that's a deal!"

"come on lets pay for this"a said, we all carry the baskets to the counter and pay for it " miss do you have a delivery service here?" I ask tge cashier"

"yes ma'am but there's an extra payment for that"

"okay no problem can you deliver all of this in this location?"

"ohhh yes ma'am" she gave me a receipt and the paper for delivery process. "can you please sign here ma'am...okay its all settled ma'am later the package will be send to your house thank you and come again"

I just hhmm at her and left with the others. we meet the my other friends outside and we continue walking around.

"thank you nini"

"you are welcome baby. I will di everything for you" I kiss her forehead.

"baer-unnie can you teach me how to use that" she point at the camera that unnie is holding

"ohh sure lis this is ea to use camera but have a good quality!" unnie really love's camera. she started explaining everything to lisa and she make sure that she understand everything well my baby is such a smart girl she easily understood everything without repeating it she let go of my hand try to use the camera. after a five minutes she stop walking and look around.

she saw a place with flowers and a sign written 'fairy garden' she point at it and look at me "nini can you go there? I will try to take a picture of you"

"hahaha why me lili?"

"please nini~"

"just choose jisoo or rosé or the other"

"no~~ I want to take a picture of you please I will share my chocolate with you~"

"hahaha really you will share your lovely chocolates to me?"

"yes please~" I can't stop my self from smiling widely at her

"okay okay hahaha " walk to the stone and stan there im losing my balance a little bit cause the stone is not flat like lisa-
I didn't say anything.

"nini can you squat please" she started taking pictures of me I can't stop smiling

"lili it's hard to balance my body wait don't take so many pictures im not yet ready hahaha" I said while trying to balance my self. after a more minutes she's do taking pictures and I walk back to her and look at the pictures with the others and one photo gets my attention it's beautiful.

 after a more minutes she's do taking pictures and I walk back to her and look at the pictures with the others and one photo gets my attention it's beautiful

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"it looks good lis! I think you have a talent in photography" seulgi unnie said looking at the picture.

"let me see" mom said. she gave the camera to my mom even lisa's mom look at it. "wow... it's beautiful you look beautiful here jen."

"am I ugly in personal?"

"here comes the drama queen"

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now