chapter 10

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"mi-miss kim please don't do this to me please I will- I will fird him. just please don't close my restoration im begging you!" his begging me kneeling on the floor.

"mister jeon you know who I am! but you didn't listen to me. I gave you a choices but you choose the wrong one!" I said. I stand up while carrying lisa she stop crying but still hugging me so tight but not in a way that will hurt me.

"unnie lets go lets just go to dad's resto." I look at mister jeon he's still in the floor looking at me crying. he know what I can do, this is my mall I can do what eve I want, I give him a choices but he wasted it so it's not my problem anymore. once I made a decision it will never change!

"unnie I will bring your bag"rose said and take my bag in the chair we walk out the restoration and I never look back again. tomorrow that resto will close and that waiter.... I will give him a little lesson

=fast forward=

im just looking at him, he looks pathetic! im sitting in a chair at the dark corner of the room looking at him without any emotion, he can't see me. the two of my men are standing in his both side. he's tied up in a chair so he can't move, ohh I forgot to tell you his name it's Kyle, the waiter earlier, I know that you know what I know because I know that you know what I know hahaha just kidding!!!
I know that you already know the reason why he's here in my dark play room. this is the place where I bring the people I want to teach a lesson.

"where am I? why im here?? who are you people?"kyle said looking to the man in his both side panicking like a kid

"you are here because you did something that is not appropriate!" jin said he is the man in the right side of kyle and the other is RM they are also my friend and my most trusted people when it comes to this kind of thing they have other members and they are friends with the squad too.

"wh-what do you mean I ii i did nothing!! let me go!"

"don't worry we will let you go.. but there is something they need to do before you go!" I said in a cold voice. im not the one who will hurt him I just want to watch, he's not that big deal, for me to waste my energy

"what do you mean and who are you!?"

"I'am the person.....
can send you in...

"wh-what do you me-mean by th-that are you go-going to to kill me? please please let me go I-I-I didn't do anything!!"hes crying. hahaha what a coward!

" you did something wrong! you disrespect me by looking at MY GIRL!! with your dirty and ugly F*CKING eye's!!"I yelled at him he got startled in my outburst. ahhh

"Im sorry if I did that it will never happen again please please don't kill m-"

"don't worry im not that cruel to kill you!" I said calmly

"really th-thank you!"

"boy's you know what to do!" I command my men.

"what is it are you going to le-ugh" he didn't finish his words when jin punch his stomach. they stated bitting him but making sure that will not leave a mark,just enough to hurt him.
im just watching the scene in front of me with satisfaction.

=fast forward 1 month=

"lili do you want to come with me in my work?" jennie ask lisa who's busy playing with kuma. lisa immediately look at her and stand and jump to jennie who's sitting in sofa. she easily catch lisa and put her hand at the lower back of lisa so she won't fall

"really nini!!! you're letting me come with you?"she ask me excitedly. hahaha she's so cut, this is the first time Im letting her com with me because this last few weeks we are busy finding her mother and I didn't go that much in my work so I can focus on her I just inform my secretary to send the files in my house. I only go to work when I need to attend an important meeting.
also she still didn't know the squad because they are to mean it may scared her it can lead her to another panic, because last time that we went out a lot off people and reporters approach us to know lisa. you know that im supper rich and a lot of people know me so when they sow me with lisa being supper close to each other in the mall again! the people and the media became curious and start bugging us, it cost her a panic attack.

"yes lili. starting from now on you can come with me in my work!! are you happy??" I ask her showing my gummy smile. it's a good idea she will be by my side all the time.

"yehey!!! yes nini im so happy!!" she cheerfully said while clapping her hands excitedly. I love it when she's happy I love seeing her smile hearing her voice I love everything about her and I know to my self I love her!

"that's good to hear...
my love💖"

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