chaptet 35

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im here in my room with nayeon and jeongyeon the others are in the living room having a little chitchat before we leave.

"did you trace the number?"

"yes. we found the owner of the number he is Carl park but there something about him" jeongyeon startead

"what is it?"

"well we found out the he died.... no he was killed almost a month now..."nayeon explained

"so someone is using his phone number"

"yes. and also Carl park is taking apart on underground society,"

"hmm do you know who killed him?"

"the files that we got from the authority who handle his case said that the killer is still unknown, but ther is tla CCTV fotage that shows him walking in alleyway with a man I think they know each other base on their actions but, when they reached a darker part of the alleyway the man killed him and he takes everything that carl park have that time, his phone, wallet, bag and leave him there"

"so it means the killer is the one who is using his phone..."nayeon said

"I have a feeling that it's not the killer how is he working with?? I mean Carl park"

"ohh his working under a drug dialer whos hiding under the name of King"

"what do you mean hiding?"

"no one knows his true Identity when there's a transaction he always send his man to do the jub his information is still unknown to everyone"

"this is the first time I head aboit that king"

"yeah he is not that famous his business is not that big he and also he is nut just doing a drug dealing but also human trafficking."jeongyeon said

"hmm I want his information asap."

"yes boss we already contact  namjoon oppa and suga and informed about this problem."

"okay and make sure you'll find that killer I don't want it lurking around knowing that he Is involved"

"yeah we already start tracking him."

"with the help of our people."

"that's good to know"I said

"of course you know that we are good at this!" nayeon said so proud of her self

"I didn't said that.."

"you're so mean jennie"

"no im not!"

"yes you are! jeongyeon tell her how mean she is!"

"what why me?"

"see even jeongyeon can't say that im a mean person."

"she's just scared of you!"

"that's good to know"

"see you are a ba-"

"jennie get ready we are leaving waht are you three doing?"

"where coming mom" I said out loud so she mom can hear me I stand-up and walk out of the room

"see she just left us here"

"I hear you. lets go if you two still want to come with us."

"of course we want" they both said in unison. I walk down thr stairs and see my baby siting on mom's lap, my mom really love's her it's like it's okay if a got kidnap just not lisa... you know what I mean it's like your family is so supportive to your girlfriend and when you two breakup your family be  like ' you better get her back or you will not welcome to this family anymore' ... ughh but anyways im glad that she really love my girlfriend- wow MY GIRLFRIEND it feel so good having a rights to claimed her.

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