chapter 33

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after I read the message I call jeongyeon to track the owner of this number.

:trace the location of this number( xxxxx xxxx xxx) ASP

:im driving right now I will but I will tell nayeon so she could start locating the number.

:okay thank you I will wait

:hmm okay bye see you later

I end the call. I always received anonymous texts and the 2yeon are the one who trace their locations and collecting information about them. some are just pranking, but mostly connected to my business but they can't do anything to me and to my family they are under my wing's. anyone who try to get neer us will fall down. almost all people know me as jennie kim a business tycoon, who built her own kingdom, who can buy anything, and a cold hearted bitch who fired my employee's because of one mistake. they think they know everything abot me. but...... they don't know who is jennie ruby jane kime....

walking out of the bathroom to found lisa who's not packing anymore she's laying on our bed and slipping... again  what a sleepy head she juts woke up like I don't know... and now she's sleeping again.

I walk neer her I need to wake her up it will make her head hurts if she sleep too much

"baby you should not go back to sleep it will make your head hurt if you sleep too mu- ouch!!"
did she.. she slap me on my face! I look at her in disbelief oh my god she slap my face and sleep again like she didn't just slap me! eve my mom never slap me how dare you!. she's facing the other side so her back is facing me. you will pay for this how dare you to hurt me no one has a right to hurt me!

I hold her shoulder and force her to lie on her back she look at me with shuck on her face and im mad she hurt me how dare you lisa!!

"it hurts lili you're mean.."I said and lay my body on top of her and pout my lips looking at her with my lightly teary eyes. she immediately hug me

"sorry nini don't cry please I didn't mean to hurt my nini pleas don't cr-cry i-i-im so sorry" she said and now she's the one who's crying. how wonderful. now im the one who feels guilty huhu.... life is unfair.

" don't cry baby it's okay look at me im okay. see look at me im strong your slap is so week I don't even feel it so don't worry nini is okay" now I can say that im whipped. see if you really love someone you will do anything. "you could slap me again and I won't feel any pain" I said while sitting down next to her smiling at her.

please don't! pleas don't slap me again it sting!! pleas pleas pleas pleas

"no I won't hurt you nini"

"yes!! I - I... I mean urhm you won't hut me but it's okay if you don't want hehe"

"nini im almost done packing but I feel sleepy so I just try to nap a little bit but. now im awake and you said I can't go back to sleep, lets just finish packing."

"yeah come on" I heald my hands out for her to hold on, I help her to stand up and we start to pack again.

"can we watch movie nini after this?"

"shure my love. what movie do you want to watch?" I ask while folding some of her clothes.

"umm jisoo unnie said she knows a movie and it's so good I what to watch that movie nini!"she said excitedly

"oh really what movie is that love? did she tell you the title?"

"humm she said it is, fifty shades of gray"

"WHAT THE F*CK! no baby you are not going to watch that!"

"but jisoo-nie said it's a good movie!"

"but that movie is-is it's a ... it's a.. never mind. you are not gonna watch that okay so no. think another movie lili."

"okay... umm oh rosé also mention a good movie!"

"and what is it I hope I think it will be good cause rosé is a good influ-

"the title is. the handmaiden"

"ohh never mind those two are not a good influence at all I will choose the movie...." ughh I want to kill a hurny and dirty minded chipmunk and chicken.

"bless us chu. who is that person who's thinking of us jisoo-yaa?"
"I don't know but I got a bad feeling about that person it's like a bad aura."
"well let's pray for our life and safety then"
"yeah you're right chipmunk. maybe after we finish preparing"
"hmm okay"

"we are all done lets go down and watch movie I will prepared a popcorn do you like that?"

"can I have some poptart instead?"

"sure my love. anything you want?"

"cookis!! and milk!"

"okay!! lets have some movie!"

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