chapter 22

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" good afternoon"

"good afternoon too mr.lee" I greeted him back we are here in the living room

"what's the result of investigation?" I ask him.

"I got the result here" he put an envelope in the table and I take it lisa is looking at the envelope. I open it and I see a lot of photos and paper
I take the photos and look at it.

"that's my mama" lisa said and take the photo of her mother that istanding in front of house that painted in cream color.

I look at the other photos" the investigation took longer than I expected" unnie said

"about that. it takes so long because ther is someone is hiding ther information and also they left their old house but I gut a chance to get their information by the help of my team. I found them in busan. I found out that lisa stepfather marco brüschweiler 47 years old is a chef and her mother chitthip brüschweiler is a retired doctor shes 43 years old. marco have a lot of connection here in Seoul and in Thailand. their are originally came from Thailand after lisa was born the migrate here in korean. I didn't get alot of information about miss. lisa and her real father."
I look at the papers in my hands.

"why can't you find lisa's biological father?" I ask

"miss. kim im also wondering I can't find any person that connected to chitthip as ex lover chitthip is an orphan she work while she's studying, and after she graduate she became a doctor in Thailand and after 3 years she meet marco and a year after that, they became official and married after 2 years.1 years after that chitthip stop working as a doctor because of her being a pregnant to lisa."hmm

"sir were is my mama?" lisa ask him. I hold her hand and look at him

"actually I have my men monitoring the perimeter of the house, we're just waiting for the go signal from miss. kim to take your mother."

"can you take my mama already? I miss her.." she sadly said I hug her and look at Mr. lee and nod to him he already understand what I mean.

"okay so the mission will start to night we will make sure your mama will be here soon" he stand and say his good bye to us.

"do you want to go to the mall baby and lets buy a unicorn?" I said distracting her. her eyes light up with so much excitement with a bright smile she stand excitedly.

"yes!! yes!! yes!! I love unicorn let's go nini let's go!!!"I Lough at her. im glad she's happy and I hope we get her mother by tomorrow so she won't be worried about her.

"baby we need to change first. now let's go upstairs and prepare."I said and take her hand we wolk towards the stairs.

"can we come too?"I look at unnie and rosé

"don't you have a work unnie and you rose who's managing your law firm you are not working at all?"

"jennduik you know I always have time for my family that's why Im here to have a bonding time with you. and after all taehyung is there."so taehyubg oppa is the one who's doing her work. I hope he's still okay until unnie decided to go back to work.

"me! alice unnie is the one who's managing the firm while im gone but im still helping her at night you know working some papers like what jichu doing at night😊" ohh so they both working at night.

"are you sure that your doing a paper work at night or its the other things that you are working😏?"I see rose blush on my remarks hahaha gotcha.

"what is the other thing nini?" we all look at my baby ...





"it's a thing that .....that-"I was cut on my words by rosé

"it's an exercise baby liss😊"

"ohhh okay... can we go now nini so I can buy my unicorn?"she said changing the topic. thanks god!!

"okay baby let's go upstairs"

"we're coming too don't leave us okay"

"unless you take too long preparing. we will leave you two" I said while walking upstairs.

"your so mean jennduik! bot no we won't take too long😁"

"if you say so"

after we change we head out of our room and went downstairs but they are not here.

"unnie we're leaving were are you?" but no one answer.huh I will leave them

"let's go baby let's leave them"

"but nini it's rude to leave them they wanna come too what if they will buy their unicorn too?"she said cutely

" ohh no baby it's okay they can fallow if they really what to come.. so let's go to the mall and buy you unicorn😊" I said and pull her to tge garage I open the dor for her and guide her to sit I went to the driver's sit and and entered the car I was about to put my baby's seatbelt...

"what took you so long"

"ahhh------" I was startled when someone spoke from the back seat and I bump my head on the roof of the car. I look at the beck there is unnie sitting cross legged and chayong eating a potato chips.....

"what the h*ll!!!"

"oppsss sorry did I scared you?"

"unnie you almost killed me!! how long have you been there you literally scared the sh*t out of me!!"I heard my baby's giggle ohh god she found it funny I almost die!! ( you know Jennifer you're so OA) you don't care you are just a part of my subconscious so shut the F*ck up if I die you will die too!! (yeah yeah im just a part of your subconscious blablabla atlist im not OA like you🙄. bye don't talk to me) you b*tch!

"im sorry okay we just don't want to be left here in the house"

"you know you have a car right. you can just fallow us if you want"

"im lazy to drive"I put lisa's seatbelt and kiss her chicks and put my seatbelt too.

"let's go to the mall."
I start the car and left the house.

"nini can you buy me a chocolate too please..."

"sure baby is there anything you want?"

"I... I want am...



a baby!!"

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