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we arrive to my villa. I carefully step out of the car still carrying a sleeping lisa it's still early for dinner and im sure they are not don yet on preparing the food. so I walk directly to oir room and lay lisa's body on the bed I untangle her arms around my neck and covered her body with the soft blanket. I look at her for a minute or two before going down to talk to them.

I walk don the stairs they are all sitting on tge couch waiting for me they look worried.

when I reach where they are I just stand neer the couch they don't ask me anything just waiting for me to talk. I was thinking where to start I sit on the couch and start to tell them what happened earlier. after I tell them what happened im already fuming with anger. how dare him make a plan to take my baby away from me? he don't know me he will regret this.

"calm your self jenduek" chus said

"they are not allowed to take her away from me!!" I yell because of my anger

"she's mine and only mine they dont have the rights to take her away from me!"

"jen calm down. we will do everything that we can do, just to make sure that they will not gana get her away from us.okay?" jisoo unnie said
and smiled at me. we're planning to stop those people from taking my lili away from us.
I will never ever going to let them take her away from me SHE IS MINE!!

'i will make their life miserable and make them beg for me to extend their life!'i smirk on my thoughts. hmmm just wait you dog! you will regret living.

"hmmm I think I know the meaning of that smirk of yours jennieyahh" irene unnie sead. they all look at me and start lounging.. ohww they really know me huh. its time for them to know the real JENNIE KIM!!!! I smile devilishly.

"it's show time!!!!" they all stated, loudly and I got goshhh ....

"shooshh oh my god you'll wake my lili hayss!"

" sorry hehehe we're just excited to make dose dogs hide their tails."😅 rosé sead hayss if only their are not my fri-

"nini~ why are( yawn) you all so loud.....?"ohww look my baby is wake now but... she's so cute my god!!!

she walks toward me and sit on my lap and sleep again. wow hahaha she's really adorable, and I will make sure no one will take her away frome me. I kiss her head and smile.

"you're mine lili.only mine understand?" I hug her

"ne~" she responds lay dow her head on top om my breast

"you do really love breast.."

"ne~ thep big and soft nini" she squeeze her cheek and rub her face on my breast. I can't help but to blash on her actions I heard my friends giggle but I just look at lisa not caring about them.

" hello guys were back I look at my mom with auntie they are carrying plastic bags... a lot of plastic bags.

" I thought your just going to buy a candy and cookies?" I ask

"well that's my plan but I saw a lot of delicious food and we came a cross a local store that sell their famous desserts so I buy some."

"some? I think you buy the whole Store mom" jisoo unnie said

"nonsense." she shrug her shoulder. jeongyeon and chaeyoung help them carrying the bags of food. I look around me see my friend I thing something is wrong..

"I feel like something is wrong?" I said out loud they all look at me " I feel like there somthing missing."they all look around

" what do you mean unnie?" tzuyu ask.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now