chapter 26 s

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i woke up when my alarm gos off i look at the time and its 7am i need to cook breakfast for us. I look at my side and dsee my baby cuddling in my side shes huging my waist and her head is on my shoulder. She looks like an angel. Little and beautiful angel and most of all MY ANGEL

I try to take her arm on my waist trying not to wake her up but she tighten the hug and buried her face on my neck.

" not go-" she mumble shes so cute

"baby in need to go and cook our breakfast~" i whisper on her ears and try no move again but she's not letting me go. "lili i need to go down the kitchen to cook"

"sob! n-no nini.... no do-don't leave mo~" she mumble. is she crying? I move a little bit so a can look at her face, she's still sleeping but there's a tears flowing out of her eye "don't leave me alone im scared~"

"he-heyy lili baby wake up"i said lowly so i wont startled her while shaking her solder a little bit. But she's not waking up "lisa wake up baby" this time i tap her cheek cause she's still crying she slowly open her eyes ang look at me her eyes are full of tears "baby why are you crying?" she hug me again and place her head back on my neck

"nini do-sob! Don't leave me pleas" she whisper i move her face so she's now facing me

" i wont leave you baby never! you're my baby lili right?? you're mine so i would never leave you ever" i said looking at her in the eyes she nod her head yes. " did you have bad dreams baby??"

"nee~"she answer i wipe the tears on her cheeks

"well its just a dream it would never happen okay. I said and kiss her forehead and peck her cheeks repeatedly and she start giggling. I smiled i like the sound of her lough it makes me happy knowing i am the one who makes her happy.

"nini it tickles hehe~"

"i love you lili"i said anf peck her lips

"i love you too nini"

"you really love me??"

"nee~" she said

"well who do you love more. Me or chocolate?"i ask. She put her index finger on her chin like shes thinking . Of course i know that she loves me more hah! Chocolate is nothing compared to me!

"you nini cause you gave me chocolates!"i hold my chest act like i was offended on what she said

"did you mean you just love me because i gave you chocolate? What if i didn't give you chocolates and there's other people gives you chocolate then you love them not me?" i said acting like im mad nd hurt hahaha sometime i really love to tease her.

"n-no nini that is not what i mean!! I mean i love my nini and i love you more cause you gave me home and also chocolate hehe"

" ohh your so sweet baby~ i love you so much"

"i love you so so much too nini" she peck my lips. Ahh~ i love her lips its so soft and delicious. I want more

"lili i want more pleas"i said she giggle and peck my lips again and again when i feel that shes going to stop, i grave the back of her neck and connect our lips to a passionate kiss

"uhhmm~" she moun on my lips. Our lips are moving sync. I move ny body and niw im on top of her my left hand is on her right cheek and my other arm is supporting my wight. I bite her lower lips and she moan again i take it as opportunity to insert my tongue in her mouth, i moan when i taste her. She taste like strawberry and honey so sweet and so addicting i want it all to my self. While our tongue ar pitting my hands are roaming her body she is so sexy and her skin is soft it feels goon on my hands.

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now