chapter 16

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we're still here in the hospital lisa sitting in the bed while I'm preparing her food. she just wok up it's 5:15pm already, unnie and chipmunk is in the the company 1 hour ago because there's an emergency meeting while the gang they went home, so it's just me and lisa after I feed her I will let her rest first before we go home.

"lili here's your food" I put the plate and  her water  in the table and move it in front of her so she can eat while sitting in the bed and I also sit beside her.

"thank you nini" she smile at me I smiled beck at her she start eating the food I prepared for her in the kitchen here like what I said everything we need is already here. anyway im just looking at her she's eating happily

"lili im sorry.." i said looking at her she stop eating ang look at me

"sorry because I didn't focus my attention to you that's why it happened to you I forgot to check the time, and I forgot that im with you because im too focus on the paper works that's why you didn't got a chance to eat..... im really sorry lili."she's just listening to what im saying. after saying that to her she's just looking at me with no expression in her face. oh god I feel anxious waiting for her response and that looks in her face right now is not helping at all.

"lisa...?"I call her name because im feeling nervous is she mad at me or what? I didn't know what's running in to her mind..

"nini....." I straightened my back  when I here her talk looking at her oh she's going to talk to me now... im so  nervous....

"yes lili?"



"I want chocolate ice cream!!!!" what.. I- ehh???? that's all!! she's not MAD or upset or anything?she just want ICE CREAM!!

"so I got nervous for nothing?"I murmured to my self

"what is it nini I didn't hear you?"she ask curiously I smiled at her

"I said we will buy a chocolate ice cream on the way home" I said putting a strands of her hair at the back of her ear. she smile brightly at my statement

"really??"I nod my head looking at her lovingly."yehey!!! thank you nini I love you" she squeal in excitement she lean forward and kiss me in the lips. ohh god I really love her lips it so soft and it taste like strawberry. if I will get a kiss every time I buy her Ice cream, I will buy her a lot so I can have a lot of kiss too....  just kidding hehe I don't what my baby to get sick!.

"i love you too. okay baby finish your food so we can go home already?"

"okay nini!"

"I love you so much lili" I mumbled looking at her happily eating her food. im glad that I found you in the park...I know that you are the only one that I've been waiting for... you are the last part that will complete my heart.

I think I got lost in my thoughts because when she look at me she's already done.

"nini why are you looking at me?"

"hmm because you're beautiful and cute and adorable and the love of my life and my everything!!" I said and show her my biges smile. she giggle but I can see a shade of pink in her cheeks. cute she's blushing.

"really Im the love of your life?"she ask with a smile and still blushing

"yes!! my only love and no one else, so don't ever think of leaving me or loving someone else because im your girlfriend and only me!!"I said with a cute but possessive voice. she nod her head repeatedly.

" I know nini im only yours like chipmunk to jisoo unnie. and I will never leave you forever I promise! and you should promise too that you will never ever leave me. pinky promise." she brought her right hand in front of us and show her pinky, I smiled at her action she's so cute.

I huck my little finger to hers and look at her dark brown eyes she's looking back at me.

" I promise.."

MY BABY liliWhere stories live. Discover now