chapter 15

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=Inside jennie's office=

im just sitting in the couch reading some books that nini gives me. it's been 3 hours since the incident happened im board and super hungry but nini is so busy she have a lot of work, I look at the time and it's almost 1:25pm and I didn't eat anything for launch. my stomach is hurting and I feel like im going to vomit it hurt so bad I look at nini she's still busy.

"n-nini..." I call for her I think she didn't hear me I curled up in to a ball so the pain will go away but it didn't happen instead it get worse I cried silently it's hurt so bad"nini~"I call one more time and she look at me smiling but when her eyes Mets mine her smile faded away and she run towards me panicking. worried and confuse can be seen in her face. oh no I make her worried again im so disappointing I promise to her that I will no make her worried again but now im here again making her worried. I just cry whispering sorry over and over while holding mi hurting stomach.

"lili what happened?? is your stomach hurt?? hay baby talk to me and stop saying sorry lisa!! tell me what hurts im worried to you!!"she ask me im breathing heavily because of the pain and my vision is getting blurry. I hold her left hand with my right hand she's standing in front of me. It's hard to talk but I tried.

"ni-ni... it hurts so ba-bad ple-please help me..."

"tell me what hurts lisa?"

"my tummy it hu-"


im freaking out right now I don't know what to do she fainted oh my god what should I do!!

"lili wake-up please don't scared me like this lili.. lisa!! please oh god SECRETARY JUNG!!!!"I yelled at the top of my lungs. I can hear someone is running inside of my office I see krystal

"yes miss kim what happened???" she's panicking

"call an ambulance now!" I said and carry lisa like a bride. she immediately call we walk to the elevator.

"miss kim the ambulance is coming in any minute now.."

"okay. lili.... we are going to the hospital beby you will be alright im here my love. god please...." we are now on the ground floor and I can hear the ambulance. they are here now I was walking so fast and I see the squad and unnie they call me but I didn't stop and walk straight to the ambulance im shaking in fear I don't know what will happen to lisa my eyes are teary I see the employees are looking at us in worried and I can sense that the squad are following us even unnie. I see the medic, they already prepared the stretcher.

"put her here ma'am" the medic said' I nod my head and put lisa down carefully on the stretcher they put the strap to secure lisa.

"miss jung" I called her she nod her head

"miss kim don't worry about the company I can handle it"she said assuring me. that's what I like about her she's responsible and trustworthy.

"thank you" I said lastly. the medic guide the stretcher towards the ambulance and put it inside of course with lisa on it!. after that I also entered the ambulance and sit beside lisa I hold her left hand and it's cold. the medic check her up and they put an oxygen on her to help her breath.

"miss kim can you tell us what happened to her?"the medic said I didn't look at her im just looking at my baby my tears is falling to my cheeks I can't stop it I can't bear seeing her like this, I sniff a little.

"I I don't know im just working in my table and she's just reading some books that I gave her then I hear her call me and-and I see her curled up in to a ball crying a-and she she said sorry to me I-I ask he-her what ha- happened and she said that her stomach is hurt an-and she's having a hard time to breath a-and she fainted.."said crying even more it's my fault if I focused on her it will never happen it's my fault!!

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