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"what time is it?"

"it's already 7:25 in the morning" I open my eye and see that rosé is already do doing her morning routine. im tired from last night exercise. she is really.... horny last night that I didn't im got enough sleep. I will tell you a secret she's the top but I act one when we're with other people 🙂 do you have any problem with that?? nothing?? good.

" wake up now~"she hug me and try to make me stand-up

"pleas can I sleep more baby~ im so tired.."

"but you need to eat breakfast~ mom went here earlier she said that the food is already prepared.

"cha~~ please it's all your fault after all!" I whined and covered my face with the blanket

"I will carry you down stairs and you will eat breakfast and after that you can go back to sleep again okay??"

"hmm~" I sit up on the bead and put my arms around her neck she take off of me the blanket, she help me to wrap my legs around her waist and carry me towards the bathroom first and help me to brush my teeth. after that she start to walk out of the room and went down stairs she walk inside the kitchen.

"jisoo what happen to you?"mom ask me.

"hmm Im still sleepy..."

"okay just eat breakfast and go back to sleep after"


" you're such a baby"roré said

"im your baby..."

"yupp! my turtle rabbit baby kim"

"why you act like you are the dominant in your relationship but the truth is you are the one who is really the bottom?"mom ask me she's already eating.

"im not acting mom~ it's them who think like that!"I whined rosré feed me while I just sit there my eyes feel so heavy and they starting so get heavier every minute will pass but still munching.

"chu baby you need to saty awake you're still eating~"

"hmm~ ahh..." she feed me again and I remember something.

"where is jennie and lisa?"

"ohh they are still sleeping and I just let them course I know that they don't get enough sleep last night."

"what do you mean didn't get enough sleep?? did they make love already?!"I smack her head she's so perver. they say she's a church girl yes she is a church girl....... with a green mind.

"no rosé" I look at my side and see Lisa's mom holding a cup cup of coffee "lisa want to sleep with me last night but she can't sleep until she decided to go back to their room like 1:00am I don't remember the exact time." she said and seeping to her coffee.

"yeah I remember last night thst she's walking down the hallway I think it's 1:45am I ask her she said that she wants to sleep with her nini that she miss her. they are cute I know jennie can't sleep to cos I look in room last night she didn't even notice me she's just starting at the ceiling."

"they can't be separated"I mumble think of them being a cute couple makes me smile but I still can't forget about my sleepiness, I lowered my head on the table and close my eyes.

"jisoo!!" I was startled when mom calls my name I look up at her

"mom what is it~?"

"finish your food so you can go bacj to your room. ypu aren't going to sleep here!"

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