Chapter 1: Breakup Count (1)

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Chu Xiaoyou has always been confused lately and loves to sleep.

Last night, the gold lord who had returned from a business trip came to his golden wire cage, probably happy, and the gold lord took him to the extremely rich table behind the bed. Chu Xiaoyou has not enjoyed such a gentle reticle since opening the meat, the spring water in the honey hole is flooded, and the whole person is more comfortable in the sky.

Then he fell asleep_(:зゝ∠)_

The gold lord gave his hairy head a "snap" a little, Chu Xiaoyou suddenly opened his eyes, saw the gold lord with a black face and asked him: "Last night, you played games all night again?"

"No..." Chu Xiaoyu really didn't lie, he slept all day to welcome the return of the golden lord, but he didn't know how to sleep more and more, his body didn't have the strength and lazily didn't want to eat, he was still depressed.

The gold lord got out of bed, twisted up his coat and stretched out the sleeves.

Chu Xiaoyou was scared to pee, he did not dare to persuade the gold lord to stay, so he had to put on his pajamas and bury his head behind the people all the way, like a little turtle who sent a guest.

When he reached the elevator, Jin Lord glanced at him, and Chu Xiaoyu suddenly stood up straight.

With a "poof" sound, the elevator door closed, leaving Chu Xiaoyu crying without tears.

How could he fall asleep? How could he fall asleep while the lord of gold wanted to him?

So unprofessional!

Chu Xiaoyu grinds his paws, his heart is going to the hospital tomorrow to check his body, but also want to have a fun to make the gold lord happy, almost the final exam, next year's senior year to start internship... By the way, if you offend the gold lord today, you won't deduct the year-end bonus, right?

Chu Xiaoyou thought about it and fell asleep on the sofa again.

When he woke up the next day, the others were in bed, neatly covered with horns, and Chu Xiaoyu rubbed the head of the bird's nest, suspecting that he was sleepwalking.

Like many low-headed people, Chu Xiao loves to play with his mobile phone at a leisurely pace, and he does not even let go of the washing time, while gargling his mouth, he takes the mobile phone to pull the screen. The home page weather forecast shows that the temperature has dropped suddenly, and Chu Xiaoyu's apricot eyes are bright and happy.

He likes winter the most, and he can wear more to block this body.

After washing, Chu Xiaoyu pulled out the down jacket that had been prepared earlier in the closet, and then took a thick scarf, hat, and the heat of the bag went out to the hospital.

Chu Xiaoyou is an orphan, intersex identity makes him more cautious than other children in the welfare home, and because he is beautiful and handsome, he also has to bully and bully him, and over time, Chu Xiaoyu's personality is getting more and more instigated, just like a black cat, a little wind and grass can scare its claws.

But fortunately, he met the kind dean and aunt, and although Chu Xiaoyou was not as bold and bold as other boys when he grew up, his personality was quite healthy.

At the age of 18, he was seen debuting as a model.

The model was doing it, and he was again favored by the gold lord.

Chu Xiaoyu would only be eighteen years old and three months and seven days, and he originally wanted to resist the temptation of money, but after seeing the annual salary of six zeros, Chu Xiaoyu was stunned and agreed.

After becoming pregnant he asked to break upWhere stories live. Discover now