Chapter 23: The Wife Count (3)

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Chu Xiaoyou actually didn't want to cry, seeing the golden lord for so long, although he wanted to be spoiled, he didn't want to cry, but the golden lord couldn't help it when he said this. Chu Xiaoyou actually didn't want to cry, seeing that the golden lord had wanted to be a baby for so long, but he didn't want to cry, but the golden lord couldn't help it when he said this.

This was perhaps the first difficulty he had experienced with the gold lord.

This may have been the first difficult relationship he had experienced with the gold lord. It's a tough hurdle.

He didn't want to check, Chu Xiaoyou actually vaguely knew the result in his mind, how could a monster give birth to a healthy child. If anyone came to persuade Chu Xiaoyou, he would definitely disagree, but the gold lord was the baby's little father. It's a tough one.

The owner has the right to know the baby's physical condition.

He didn't want to check, Chu Xiaoyou actually vaguely knew the result in his mind, how could a monster give birth to a healthy child. If anyone came to persuade Xiao you, he would definitely not agree, but the gold lord was the baby's little father. But knowing that, will the gold lord dislike their father and son? Chu Xiaoyou was very sad, grabbed the gold lord and kissed him twice, and said with tears in his eyes: "Good, I will check with you." 

"Cry what." The golden lord was amused and distressed by his expression of life and death, and whispered in Chu Xiaoyou's ear: "It's okay, husband accompany you." The owner has the right to know about the baby's physical condition.

In the evening, the gold lord stayed overnight in Chu Xiaoyou's room.

But knowing that, will the gold lord abandon their father and son? Chu Xiaoyou was very sad, grabbed the golden lord and kissed him twice, tearfully said, "Well, I'll check with you." " The time is too hasty, the gold lord only consulted a little how to take care of the pregnant father, first of all, five months of pregnancy or more than seven months below as long as it is not within what is OK, so today the gold lord implemented it.

There are others to follow through. "What to cry about?" The jin lord was amused and distressed by his expression of life and death, and whispered in Chu Xiaoyou's ear: "It's okay, husband accompany you."

When Chu Xiaoyu slept, the golden lord sat at his feet.

In the evening, the gold lord stayed overnight in Chu Xiaoyou's room. Chu Xiaoyou's face was full of question marks: "Mr. Zheng can't sleep too early, do you want to read the document?" 

The gold lord put his foot on his lap and said lightly, "Sleep on your side and leave me alone." Chu Xiaoyou was The time is too hurried, the gold lord only consulted a little how to take care of the pregnant father, first of all, five months pregnant more than seven months or less, it is okay to do that, so today the gold lord will be implemented.

inexplicable, but still obediently left body asleep, and for a moment he felt the hot palm of the jin lord touch his buttocks, but not the kind of erotic kneading, but the rhythmic massage.

There are others to be implemented. Chu Xiaoyou was stunned and looked at the golden lord in disbelief.

The gold lord kept pressing down on his left calf, and then leaned over to help Chu Xiaoyou turn over, and said in his ear, "Well, I'll give you a massage."

Chu Xiaoyou was dumbfounded, like a frightened cat.

The gold lord did not break his word, after talking to him, he pressed his right leg along the hip, and after pressing it, he lifted his foot and pressed each toe, and the movement was gentle and did not lose the strength of the man.

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