Chapter 24: The Spoiled Wife Scheme (4)

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Hearing the jin lord hang up the phone, Chu Xiaoyou hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

But after closing his eyes, the other feelings were sensitive, and Chu Xiaoyu clearly heard the golden lord walking towards him, and then stood in front of the bed and looked at him fixedly.

Was the Lord wondering how to comfort him? Chu Xiaoyou's head was a little messy, he felt that the gold lord did not need to comfort him, anyway, he had already made psychological preparations.

But why didn't he dare to open his eyes?

After a while, Chu Xiaoyou heard the golden lord sigh and sat down on the edge of the bed.

The corner of the bed fell, there was a feeling of heaviness, Chu Xiaoyu had difficulty breathing, but the golden lord approached him at this time, kissed him on the forehead, and said in a low voice: "Congratulations cat, I am going to give birth to a small milk cat that is bouncing around alive."

Chu Xiaoyou opened his eyes, and there was a thick disbelief inside: "What are you talking about?"

The gold lord smiled, "I said you were going to have a naughty bag."

Chu Xiaoyou sat up from the bed with a loud cry, moving as fast as if he was not pregnant, and the jin lord was startled by him, and wanted to spank his ass with a black face: "Chu Xiaoyou, what are you doing?"

Chu Xiaoyou was so happy that there was nowhere to go, and excitedly grabbed the arm of the Golden Lord: "I sit up and talk to you!" No, I'm going to tell Uncle Lin! Knowing

that he would not think at all, the gold lord pressed the person who was about to lift the quilt to the head of the bed and kissed him hard.

Chu Xiaoyu hmmm ah ah a few sounds, kissed soft soft, no strength at all.

The big bad guy of the gold lord ><

The golden lord saw him quiet down, and the sticky one side kissed and said, "Well, the doctor told you to stay in bed for a few days."

Chu Xiaoyou's eyes were full of why.

"Forgot what you said that day?" The amniotic fluid is not the right color, and now it is suspected that you have contractions slightly more frequently. "

Contractions?" Chu Xiaoyou's face smoked violently, he remembered, no wonder the doctor said to let the gold lord pay attention. In fact, they all blame him, the body has become a cat, and the gold lord does not give him a seduction.

When the golden lord looked at his face, he knew that Xiao Xiang was crooked, and Wan'er smiled: "It's not that aspect, it's that you're too nervous."

"Right, right, I looked it up on the Internet, and people say that after pregnancy, sexual desire changes and boys are born!" He blushed and felt that now he must be a boy like this: "Mr. Zheng, do you like boys and girls?"

The golden lord didn't care, he kissed Chu Xiaoyou for a moment, smiled and asked, "Now that I know the result, is Xiaoyou cat willing to go home with the master?"

Chu Xiaoyou froze with a smile on his face, and he hesitated to look at the gold lord, afraid that he would be angry.

He didn't want to go back like that now, or he wasn't sure where he could go.

So he wanted to go back.

When lord Jin saw that he was unwilling, he didn't say anything: "It's okay if you don't go back, and it's not convenient for you to go back now."

Chu Xiaoyu was fine in that place where the cow ghost snake god was when he could run and jump, but now the situation is special, and it is actually safer here relatively speaking.

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