Chapter 2: Breakup Count (2)

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Making an apologetic look at Lin Jinyan, Chu Xiaoyu hid his mobile phone in the small room of the clinic and lowered his voice and said, "Assistant Zhao is good."

"Hello, Xiao Chu. Mr. Zheng said that he would go to you tonight and hoped that you would prepare in advance.

Chu Xiaoyou looked down at his stomach and was speechless.

Obviously, Uncle Lin just said that he couldn't OOXX, so how did he reject the gold lord? Chu Xiaoyou's eyes appeared confused, and his tangled claws slammed hard against the wall.

Thinking that Zhao Xinde knew that he was neither male nor female, Chu Xiaoyu quietly blushed, and his voice became as small as that of a small cat meow: "Assistant Zhao, my relatives have come to visit today."

Assistant Zhao naturally understood

this, but he remembered Chu Xiaoyou's physical condition even more, and he paused: "I'll go and ask Zheng Zong."

A moment later, Zhao Xinde returned, and Chu Xiaoyu heard the movement of rubbing clothes on the phone and immediately lifted his ear.

Assistant Zhao's voice was still old and heavy, and he was on official business: "Xiao Chu, Zheng zong said that it doesn't matter, he wants to see some blood today."

"..."Chu Xiaoyou burst into tears, and hung up the phone with a cold heart.

It's awesome.

Outside Lin Jinyan was impatient, he still had patients today, and Chu Xiaoyou's state was not at ease, knocking on the door of the partition, Lin Jinyan said: "Xiao You, that man called you to quarrel? 

The gold lord would not call him, and it was even more impossible to quarrel.

Chu Xiaoyou opened the door with melancholy eyes, and without waiting for Lin Jinyan to speak, he gave him a bear hug, and Lin Jinyan was stunned, Chu Xiaoyu wanted to take advantage of him before he remembered the rambling, and quickly fled.

Ke Lin's close words were obviously not so good at flickering, he grabbed Chu's arm, glanced down at the white powder in his fingernails, and squinted dangerously: "Chu Xiaoyou, who is that person?" What kind? Chu Xiaoyou's

being raised was hidden from everyone, and now that he had reached this point, he didn't want to be treated as an elder Lin Jinyan knew, Chu Xiaoyou shrunk his arms, bowed his head, and said, "Yes... It's a guy who loves animals.

After he said it, he ran away with a brain, Lin Jinyan did not catch up, looking at his back and confused, like animals, like animals should be a good person?

Out of the hospital building, Chu Xiaoyou hung his head in despair.

It was winter, the sky was gray, and the trees were bald. Chu Xiaoyu walked on the edge of the asphalt road, although he did not see the eyes of pedestrians, he just felt that someone was pointing at his body.

When he was a child, he was watched too many times, and Chu Xiaoyu felt for a long time that he was a dirty monster that did not deserve to appear in broad daylight.

He walked out of the hospital gate with his head bowed, watching the cars coming and going suddenly stunned again, his eyes were confused and thoughtful for a while, and he quickly ran back.

His car was still in the underground parking lot.

Chu Xiaoyou's car was sent after half a year with the gold lord, and when the gold lord said that Chu Xiaoyou thought he could get a cool sports car, he could sell it for more money in the future, and as a result, he was dumbfounded when he saw the car. The gold lord gave him a black SUV with an extremely stable shape and an extremely majestic appearance, and Chu Xiaoyu's small body sat on it, as if a child stole adult clothes.

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