Chapter 20: Wife Pursuit (5)

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Chu Xiaoyu woke up at four o'clock in the morning, but recently the stomach is big, even it is difficult to turn over, but the blood does not flow smoothly, Chu Xiaoyu frowned and supported himself to move, the result woke up the baby, the little guy is like a fish, swimming in the amniotic water, making Chu Xiaoyu's stomach drum and drum, scared stiff for half a day. Chu Xiaoyou woke up at four o'clock in the morning, but recently his stomach was big, it was difficult to even turn over, but he didn't turn over and the blood flowed unsmoothly, Chu Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows and moved himself, and as a result, he woke up the baby, and the little family was like a fish, swimming in the amniotic fluid, and Chu Xiaoyu's stomach was drummed and stiffened for half a day.

After a while, the baby was quiet.

For a moment, the baby was quiet. Chu Xiaoyu didn't dare to move, and he couldn't ask Lin Jinyan to help, he could only expect the baby to be obedient, and he got up hard and leaned on the bed.

If someone had said a month ago that he was dependent on the golden lord, he would certainly not have believed it, but now Chu Xiaoyou really missed the golden lord and wanted the golden lord to hold him in bed and comfort him, even if it was to help him turn over. Chu Xiaoyu didn't dare to move, and he couldn't ask Lin Jinyan to help, only to expect his baby to be obedient, and he got up hard and leaned on the bed.

Not really.

If someone had said a month ago that he was dependent on the golden lord, he would certainly not have believed it, but now Chu Xiaoyou really missed the gold lord and wanted the gold lord to hold him in bed and comfort him, even if it was to help him turn over. He also has to face the fact that the baby may be a deformed child.

Chu Xiaoyu the more he thinks about the more pain in his heart, recently his stomach is bigger, his appetite is better, and he doesn't like to pee so much, but the problems in the second trimester of pregnancy begin to make mistakes, the tits will flow out of the transparent liquid, and the stomach and legs will be too strongly inflated, and there are stretch marks. Not really.

Chu Xiaoyu's skin is white, very delicate, and now the skin of his stomach is stretched out, almost like a balloon to be blown, and the stretch marks crawl all over his stomach and thighs like silk worms, looking more and more vicious.

He also has to face the fact that the baby may be a deformity. It's uncomfortable, and it has to be solved by carrying.

Chu Xiaoyu's mind was disordered until dawn, and at six o'clock he couldn't stay up and sat down in front of the window, enviously peeking at the morning exercise runners. Chu Xiaoyou the more he thinks about the more pain in his heart, recently his stomach is bigger, his appetite is better, and he doesn't like to pee so much, but the problems in the second trimester of pregnancy begin to make mistakes, the tits will flow out of transparent fluid, and the stomach and legs are too bad for being suffocated, and there are pregnancy stains.

As an otaku, Chu Xiaoyou actually wanted to go shopping⊙ ⊙∥ at eight o'clock, Lin Jinyan finally came, Chu Xiaoyou can only talk to him every day, and his eyes lit up when he saw Lin Jinyan come in.

Chu Xiaoyu's skin was pale, very angry, and now his stomach skin was enlarged, just like a balloon to be blown, and a stretch of stretch marks crawled all over his stomach and thighs like a cordworm, showing more and more ferocious beasts. But he immediately saw that Lin Jinyan was still holding a report in his hand, Chu Xiaoyu vaguely knew what Lin Jinyan was going to say, the light in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and he lowered his head to wait for Lin Jinyan to come over.

"The results of the test came out and may not be ideal." Lin Jinyan had obviously made a lot of preparations, and although his voice was not calm when he said this, he was still quite stable.

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