Chapter 32: The Count of Wives (12)

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Chu Xiaoyou greeted the Education Office and then went to find his class to take a class.

Before this, Chu Xiaoyu felt that he was an invisible person in the school, and he was also very happy with this identity, stepping on the bells and running away from class, but today he returned to the classroom and immediately felt different.

Throughout the lesson, his classmates were looking at him, some of them looking at him and whispering.

Chu Xiaoyou came to the big city because no one here knew his identity, he had been in school for so long and his classmates had not doubted him, even if he was curious, he would not be curious so obviously, Chu Xiaoyu's nose was sweaty, he couldn't help but secretly look at his monster body, thinking that he must not have hidden it well.


Chu Xiaoyu couldn't sit down, but the teacher on the podium was still chattering about Marxism, and Chu Xiaoyu didn't dare to sneak out so directly, and could only count every second with trepidation.

A lesson passed in a strange atmosphere.

After class, the classroom was even more bizarre, few people spoke loudly, and Chu Xiaoyou felt that almost all eyes fell on him as he cleaned up his books. His body was constantly tightening, and he suddenly threw the book and stood up.

The students were startled and looked at him in amazement.

Or did the squad leader react quickly, laughing as he walked toward him, and said, "Chu Xiaoyou, are you well?" "

Chu Xiaoyou's hands trembled, and he turned to rush out of the classroom, and the class leader did not know what suddenly came to mind with an arm in front of him, and put his hands on Chu Xiaoyou's shoulders.

Chu Xiaoyu almost dawned.

The class leader is a boy, and he is also the only person Chu Xiaoyu has had many acquaintances in the school, because the homework receipt for temporary class notice is his phone call to Chu Xiaoyu.

Pressed to sit down by the class leader, Chu Xiaoyou's body was already tense and trembling, and the class leader frowned: "You are not well yet."

Chu Xiao shook his head.

This nod of the head did not know what it meant, the squad leader was also a careful, opened his hand and smiled and said, "By the way, Chu Xiaoyou, what illness have you had?" Classmates are worried about you, and they are going to donate money to see you, but the school doesn't know where you have transferred."

Chu Xiao's face was pale, but his expression was not so tense, and his classmates did not find that he was intersex. But he couldn't lie, he could only say with a hard head, "Go back, go back to your hometown."

Watching him speak, the curious eyes around him all leaned over, and Chu Xiaoyu was horrified to find himself caught in the ocean of people, like an escorted prisoner, and all the guards on the left and right were guards.

Only the guards had a curious expression, and some of them sat in front of him and lay on the table talking.

"Chu Xiaoyou, are you nervous?" A female classmate noticed his abnormality and frowned and asked.

Chu Xiaoyu didn't know how to answer, but another ponytailed female classmate was immediately happy: "I'll tell you that he is not high and cold, he just likes to be shy hahahahaha." 

The students looked at him magically, and now there are people who are shy and red when they talk to people?

Chu Xiaoyu is a celebrity in the size of the school, the first grows beautifully, the second is still beautiful, the third is to grow beautifully, the study performance is good, every semester can get the scholarship, the class is rainy and rainy, and the class is also rainy.

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