Chapter 4: Breakup Count (4)

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Chu Xiaoyu's heart beat to the eye of his throat.

The hands that reached out to him were bronze, slender, but not slender, but gave people a feeling of bone joints, full of absolute power. Chu Xiaoyu already had a conditioned reflex to this rough man's hand, and every time the gold lord stretched out his hand, he was frightened and tearful, and the little flower that was not well developed habitually and desperately shrank inwardly, making a defensive posture.

This time, Chu Xiaoyu was even more resistant in his heart, to be honest, every time he was in pain, although he cried out later, but at the beginning it would be really too painful.

He wanted to say, Lord Gold, you can't do it, but there is your own son in that hole!

Chu Xiaoyou swallowed: "Zheng, Mr. Zheng..."

The gold lord did not listen to him, and between the exchange of lips, the big palm with calluses deftly reached into Chu Xiaoyou's pants.

Not feeling that there should be, the gold lord smiled strongly: "Not a big aunt, why is it so clean inside?"

"Huh?" Chu Xiaoyu did not expect that the gold lord would still remember that stubble? Something's wrong!

"Huh?" The gold lord raised an eyebrow.

Chu Xiaoyou burst into tears: "You don't..." He only opened two words, the gold lord came to the matter, Chu Xiaoyu's voice, the hand was soft and the body fell sharply, and the three souls of him lost seven spirits, that feeling was a little exciting, the small flowers exploded, Chu Xiaoyou's nose tip rubbed out dense sweat, and the face covered with pain was gorgeous and cute.

"Little things." The Lord of Gold kissed him.

Chu Xiaoyou felt inexplicably sweet in his heart, struggling to open his eyes, he saw the Golden Lord's pajamas pulled open by him, revealing his aggressive abs, the hidden grass was overgrown, the secret sexiness was charming, Chu Xiaoyou was loved for two years, seeing this scene, the saliva flooded, the eyes became very delicate, the whole body was scratching, but...

Big things are still going on, and concubines can't do anything.

Chu Xiaoyou planned to save the country by curving, simply lovingly hooking the neck of the golden lord, only to be startled by the hot body of the golden lord, and he then faced the golden lord's domineering black eyes, and Chu Xiaoyou was ashamed of himself.

This look wants him to die.

The gold lord looked at him through his pants, and his eyes were full of smiles: "For a month, a drop is not allowed to leak out, the front can't finish drinking, the back drink." Chu Xiaoyou's

heartbeat was fierce, his body could not stop crisp, according to the education of the golden lord, he was such an intersex person who originally needed double pleasure, and the body tuning out was also scratching hard, Chu Xiaoyou wanted it very much, and the delicate and dripping: "Master..."

The gold lord did not speak, but Chu Xiaoyou felt that the tip of his nose was a little itchy, he wrinkled his nose, and thought bitterly about what to say to fool through: I'm not lying to you... I, I... Ahhhhhhhhhh The world fell silent.

Chu Xiaoyou was desperate, how did he sneeze at this time, and also sprayed the face of the golden lord face to face!

However, a sneeze can make the owner dump him> < sure enough, a male lion and a small milk cat look at each other for a moment, the male lion took the lead in blackening his face, threw the small milk cat on the bed, and did not say a word about the bedroom.

With a thud, the bedroom door was angrily thrown against the wall.

The bedroom was a mess.

Chu Xiaoyou fell on the bed and stretched his neck, did not go to send, but not so happy, in front of his eyes flashed the back of the golden lord's determination, Chu Xiaoyu tried to suppress the sour feeling in his heart, to recall that just now the golden lord was sprayed by his face of saliva, and felt cool to die.

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