Chapter 22: The Wife Count (2)

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The relationship between Lin Jinyan and Zheng Zheng is actually contradictory, both of them claim to be Chu Xiaoyou's guardians, but at the same time they hope that the other party will be good to Chu Xiaoyou, but they have a blood barrier to the relationship between Weng and his son-in-law.

If it weren't for Chu Xiaoyou, the two of them would definitely not have given anyone face when they met, but because Chu Xiaoyou Zheng had to say his opinion to Lin Jinyan for the first time in the world, Lin Jinyan had to talk to Zheng Zheng.

Lin Jinyan discussed with Lin Jinzhi, for Chu Xiaoyou this time he had to put on a black face and make Zheng Zheng's plan clear, but as soon as Zheng Zheng sat down on the couch, Lin Jinyan felt that he was shorter.

With just one action, zheng zheng looked at Lin and said, "How is Chu Xiaoyou's body now?"

Lin Jinyan didn't expect him to ask this, but he was right: "Xiao You hasn't been out of this room for a month, and you know that he doesn't dare to see people when he usually doesn't know, and pregnancy makes him very nervous."

"I'll solve this problem." Zheng Zheng was confident in this.

Lin Jinyan sneered in his heart, he did not believe that Zheng Zheng was indifferent to Chu Xiaoyou's pregnancy, and a normal person would be afraid when he saw intersex people pregnant with their children. Maybe Zheng Zheng is still fantasizing about having a son, but knowing that the child may be deformed, will he be so stupid and so calm?

Lin Jinyan decided to sing the black face to the end: "There is another point, the results of his Tang screening are high-risk, that is, he may give birth to a deformed child." 

"Oh." Zheng Zheng said nothing.

In fact, he did not have much feeling for this child so far, only to Chu Xiaoyou's safety, if Chu Xiaoyu cares about the child's problems, the lack of arms and legs can be solved by surgery, and the surgical solution when intersex people are born is also simple, stupid and even less related, and it is better to raise a stupid and happier.

Whether or not he can have children, whether he can give birth to healthy children, has never been a consideration condition for Zheng Zheng to like a person or not.

Because he has strong conditions to correct the consequences.

Lin Said Recently: "I know that you have the ability to solve this child, but Chu Xiaoyu's psychological condition is not good, and when the child is born with problems, he will hate himself for the rest of his life."

"So I hope you help xiaoyou do amniocentesis and confirm the results early."

Zheng Zheng frowned.

Lin Jinyan looked deeply at Zheng Zheng, he somewhat understood the character of this person who is not good at hanging love on his lips, but he can find Chu Xiaoyou who is still planning to accept pregnancy here, and Lin Jinyan knows from his behavior that this person likes and even loves Chu Xiaoyou.

"You know Xiao You's personality, and we all hope that he will become happier and happier, not because he is becoming more and more depressed and inferior because of his life." Lin Jinyan deliberately paused: "You did this thing, right?" "

Zheng Zheng glanced at him and returned to the room with a cold face.

Chu Xiaoyu had not yet woken up, but his eyebrows were furrowed, his face was in abnormal pain, and his body was even a little struggling.

Zheng Zheng kissed him affectionately on the lips and said in Chu Xiaoyou's ear, "Well, my husband is here."

Chu Xiaoyou had always been asleep, so he woke up, his ear was still the deep voice of the golden lord, and the little cat opened his slightly watery and misty eyes to look at Zheng Zheng, confused and lonely: "Husband, you want to pee."

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