Chapter 39: Marriage Contract Counting (6)

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Chu Xiaoyou still went to school before he traveled, after all, this was inevitable in his life.

Still sitting directly in the classroom at the end, Chu Xiaoyu found that his classmates were indeed aiming at him, but fortunately the teacher's arrival saved him. Unfortunately, even the teacher had not left at the end of the class, and the class leader stepped to the side of his seat and blocked Chu Xiaoyou's way out.

At the same time, several classmates aimed at him curiously and reached out to greet him with a waving hand.

Chu Xiaoyu didn't know what they meant, and took a deep breath: "Squad leader." 

The college class leader is like an army attendant, only Chu Xiaoyou will honestly call the class leader, and the class leader classmates are tearful in their hearts, sitting next to him with a fake smile: "Chu Xiaoyou, we have all figured out what happened that day, are you an orphan?"

Chu Xiaoyou looked deeply at him and nodded.

The squad leader smiled: "I didn't expect it, we looked at your clothes because you were rich, who was that brother that day?" What does it have to do with you?

Chu Xiaoyou was silent, he had prepared himself before he came to school, and his classmates ignored him, scolded him for not being filial piety, and of course thought that some people would doubt his relationship with Mr. Zheng.

The relationship of marriage cannot be recognized, the relationship of love cannot be recognized, saying that everyone in the gang brother will associate with the sponsorship relationship, Chu Xiaoyu will not lie, only can keep his mouth shut and not speak.

But his nervousness had revealed something.

The squad leader also guessed that there must be a hidden feeling, and his expression was disgusted, and for a while he put his hand on Chu Xiaoyou's shoulder with a gray look and said, "It doesn't matter what kind of relationship, it doesn't matter, but you have to remember that no matter if you have money or not, where you go back for the New Year, I am your squad leader, the official..."

Chu Xiaoyou: ... What the hell?

The class leader laughed twice: "After that, you don't have to take the class, I will also ask you for a teacher to ask for leave, and you will go to get a fake sick note to make up for this matter." After that, although he came to school, the brother who dared to bb you and I pulled a basketball team to him.

Chu Xiaoyou was startled by his boldness: "Thank you, thank you for the class leader."

After saying thank you, he hadn't returned to God for a long time, and he felt that the world was a bit mysterious.

The class leader is typically familiar with himself, and he is also a graceful figure in the school, and he sat directly on the side of Chu Xiaoyu in the second class, full of mouth running trains, proud of the ass and feet he was beaten by his father when he was a child.

The gossip slowly extends to the present, the head of the class recently bought a car, but the part-time worker is tight, so every time his father lets him carry a paragraph, the boy will turn into the gas station, and after a few routines, his father will take the wallet and is distressed, vowing never to touch the car of this thief again.

Chu Xiaoyu felt that he had never seen such a person who could speak when he was so old, and he was stunned by the flickering, and then he was also happy, and when he left class, he was arrogant and handsome to invite guests: "Squad leader, I want to invite you to eat dragons and clams, and call all the basketball team." 

As a result, Chu Xiaoyou regretted his death.

The squad leader really pulled in a group of classmates, but everyone was tall and tall, and Chu Xiaoyu sat in the uneven face, like entering the adult country, watching this group of "teddies" bragging day and day.

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