Chapter 53: Valentine's Day

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Chu Xiaoyou suddenly had a dream and dreamed of a great immortal.

In the dream scene, he was hollow and covered with white mist, but the vision was better than when the city was hazy, and Chu Xiaoyu sat on the cloud and could see the long white-bearded old immortal on the other side.

The old immortal touched his beard and asked with a smile: "Chu Xiaoyou, I know that you want to become a real man, and now there is a chance, only if you meet the destined person, he said three words to you and you can become a boy."

Chu Xiaoyou asked with confused eyes, "Who is the person I was destined to be?"

"When this man appears, his body will glow."

Chu Xiaoyou looked at the old immortal inexplicably: "Will it glow?" How can a person shine? And I have Mr. Zheng. "

The old immortal saw that he was stubborn and looked at him with disdain: "You can do as I say, but I only want him to say three words to you..."

"Do I love you?"

The old immortal praised the chief, "It's to me."

Chu Xiaoyou: What kind of thing???

The old immortal smiled slightly, and the lights behind his head gradually lit up, getting brighter and brighter, and the strong Chu Xiaoyu couldn't open his eyes, he took his hand to hold the cat's eyes, and looked at the old immortal's face under the strong light.

O Buddha's light!

Chu Xiaoyou opened his eyes and saw that it was the curtain that had been pulled open, and the stimulating sunlight shone through the window into the quilt, which stabbed his eyes with pain. Chu Xiaoyu also vaguely saw a silhouette backlit standing in the light, like the god Apollo.

Chu Xiaoyou's mind moved, it turned out that Mr. Zheng was the person he was destined for.

Then his mind moved again, and it turned out that he could become a man if he only asked Mr. Zheng to say, "Come and me."

Chu Xiaoyu's mind turned again, well, he is still a good sleep in the old and honest_(:3ゝ∠)_

At that point, Mr. Zheng's silhouette slowly approached, sat down on the edge of the bed, and put his hand into the small cat's soft waist and grabbed the kitten's soft waist to get chu Xiaoyou up, Chu Xiaoyu hummed twice, the soft body was pulled up, the bare body was directly lying on Mr. Zheng, and the nasal cavity was wet: "The cat wants to sleep."

Mr. Zheng's hand touched Chu Xiaoyu's slightly bulging abdomen under the quilt, and his eyes darkened: "Well, it's all afternoon, is it okay for cats to go for a walk with their master?"

Chu Xiaoyu was not happy, he wanted to sleep in his head, he really did not mean to sleep, but now his stomach is the reincarnation of the god of sleep, Chu Xiaoyu is still dozing off when he is at the top, and now he can't get up from bed at all.

He really tried to open his eyelids, but the cat's eyes just couldn't be opened, and he only wanted to grunt and sleep.

Mr. Zheng's eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Dozing off during the day is too harmful to the nighttime squid.

Because Chu Xiaoyou was pregnant for the first time, he did not take good care of the reasons for the previous period, he could be said to be completely tolerant of Chu Xiaoyou this time, and he also endured chu Xiaoyou grinding him to death at night, but this was not good for the body without eating, drinking, and exercising, Mr. Zheng could only coax people to help Chu Xiaoyou put on clothes and pants, but when he left the bed, Chu Xiaoyu came up again, and the quilt was inseparable from his bed.

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