Chapter 27: The Wife Count (7)

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On the fourth day of the caesarean section, Chu Xiaoyu could get out of bed, and he wanted to see the baby, but the owner of the gold did not agree.

The gold lord said that he would definitely cry when he saw the child, and when the eyes fell ill, Chu Xiaoyu repeatedly promised that he would never, and was treated as a wind in his ears by the gold lord.

Chu Xiaoyu was slightly worried about the gold lord, and the gold lord said, "I will help you take a picture with your mobile phone."

The owner can visit the baby at a fixed time every day, but it is separated by a thick layer of glass, and the baby's incubator is arranged inside, and this photo can only see a piece of humanoid flesh.

I can't even see exactly how ugly it is.

Chu Xiaoyou was depressed while holding Jin's mobile phone. Lord Jin took away his mobile phone and said, "Well, when the baby is stable, we will go home together."

Go home? Chu Xiaoyu looked sweetly at the golden lord in his eyes, and almost unbelievably muttered, "You must take good care of your baby."

As soon as he was raped, the golden lord choked on his throat and sparked in his eyes.

"Come, I'll find you something to do."

The Jin Lord helped Chu Xiaoyou to sit up, sitting behind him as a backrest, chu Xiaoyou rest assuredly leaning on the Jin Lord's pocket, wondering what this was to be done.

The gold lord looked at him deeply, took out a blank a4 paper from the file folder, gave Chu Xiaoyou a steel pen, and said in his ear: "The hospital wants to give the baby a birth certificate, you should give him a name."

Chu Xiaoyou's eyes lit up.

In fact, he had already thought about it!

Biting the pen pole for a while, Chu Xiaoyu was afraid that the gold lord would not accept it, and his eyes flashed to write a chu character, and then looked at the gold lord expectantly.

Lord Jin glanced at it, "Yes." "

"Can you really give me my last name?" Chu Xiaoyou was surprised, and after he nodded, Chu Xiaoyu's excited pro-financial lord shook his hands for a while and wrote a top word on a4 paper, and said softly: "The nickname is called the top top." "

The financier still has no objection.

Chu Xiaoyou wrote another day, and the flattering side looked at the gold lord: "What about Chu Yongtian?" The heavens and the earth. "

Lord: "I have nothing to say, but in the future your own son will hate you."

Chu Xiaoyou: ...

Physically and mentally hurt by 10,000 points, Chu Xiaoyu protested: "Although it is not so good, but the meaning of this name is good." "

"Children are meant to live their lives, not the tools to accomplish what we hope."

Lord Jin saw Chu Xiaoyou lower his eyebrows, knew that he had listened, and kissed him calmly.

Chu Xiaoyu enjoyed the half-closed eyes, waiting for the Golden Lord to let go of his voice and lowered his voice: "What is that called?"

The jin lord thought about it for a moment, shook Chu Xiaoyou's hand, and led him to write a sonorous and powerful word.

Chu Zheng, their surname, is indeed simple and rough for the gold lord.

But Chu Xiaoyou sighed and felt that it was not bad.

Chu Zheng is like a soldier, and he is also very rough and manly.

Chu Xiaoyou picked up the name he had written with the gold lord and admired it, and his eyes nodded brightly: "Good."

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