Chapter 8: Breakup Count (8)

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Divide and divide, such a gold lord does not break up and still stay for the New Year?

Rabbits can bite people when they are anxious, not to mention that he is still a pregnant cat.

Chu Xiaoyu's anger is MAX, his eyes are fierce, very fierce.

In order not to let the beast succeed, Chu Xiaoyu's arms and thighs went up together, kicking the gold lord in a disorderly way, like a little hooligan playing a fight. The golden lord suppressed it for a while like a child, and the original gloomy eyes were sparked.

"Want to rebel?" It seemed that it was impossible to cure, the golden lord sneered, suddenly let go of Chu Xiaoyou, stood up and looked at him condescendingly.

Chu Xiaoyu quickly retreated, and a pair of frightened cat eyes looked uneasily at the golden lord.

The golden lord narrowed his eyes, and there was already a fire in his eyes.

"Why not?" The gold lord asked.

Chu Xiaoyu hardened his pink lips and said proudly, "Old turtle calf, I don't serve you anymore!" bold enough.

The gold lord did not speak, and the cold fire's eyes fell on the power line of the notebook. He walked over and unplugged the plug, the black wire was very long, and the gold lord brought it to Chu Xiaoyou.

Chu Xiaoyu had a very bad premonition, and wanted to escape, but he couldn't reach his pants: "You, what are you doing?" 

Jin Lord Pi did not smile, one hand grabbed Chu Xiaoyou, tied his hands together, Chu Xiaoyou resisted the whole cat almost jumped up, but was slapped by the Jin Lord's head.

Chu Xiaoyu was so angry, squatting like a radish poking and poking mao's head but could not escape.

The golden lord was amused in his heart, and the sneer on his face frightened him: "The last time, why resist?"

Chu Xiaoyou sniffled, and at this time had to soften: "Mr. Zheng, I know that you don't treat me as a person, but I also have my own ideas, you put that..." He didn't remember the name of the golden canary rat for a while, and said randomly: "You put that person next door, do you still want to go up to one and then another?" It's too dirty to die.

"That's it?" The gold lord raised an eyebrow, and only then did he laugh: "I put people next door to find you, and people haven't lost their temper yet?"

Chu Xiaoyou ignored him.

Anyway, this is the case, he can not escape the disaster, Chu Xiaoyou no longer argue with him. Put back on the bed by the gold lord, he pretended to be a dead fish lying on the bed, waiting for the gold lord to press up or the dead fish JPG, thinking about drying dry, then a corpse and two lives for the gold lord to remember for a lifetime.

The gold lord was suddenly not impatient, and he was quite happy.

Chu Xiaoyu could feel the excitement of one of the gold lords, he was a little flustered, he didn't know which G-spot he had poked at the gold lord.

What an excitement, old bastard.

"Jealous?" The gold lord laughed happily.

"It's not..."

The gold lord was still glued up, Chu Xiaoyou didn't know how to refuse this time, just now the matter made him have palpitations, and finally half pushed and half pushed, and dedicated the back of his home to save the baby.

_(:зゝ∠)_ Good strategy for failure.

The next day, Chu Xiaoyou was stimulated by the sun to wake up, and at a glance, he saw the high-rise buildings outside clearly introduced into his eyes, Chu Xiaoyou suddenly pulled up the quilt in shock, staring at the panicked heart outside the window and almost jumping out of his chest.

Was he seen? Have you seen this body?

Suddenly, with a chuckle behind him, Chu Xiaoyou looked over in horror and saw that the golden lord was sitting in the bedroom for a long time, although he could not see the expression of the gold lord, Chu Xiaoyou felt that the golden lord was very happy.

Jin said, "I really want to drag you to the window for a day, so that everyone can see how beautiful my little monster is." Unable

to see, Chu Xiaoyou's whole body trembled.

Seeing that he was really frightened, the Golden Lord walked out of the darkness with a sigh and said softly, "Rest assured, you can't see the inside outside of this glass." 

"Oh." Even so, Chu Xiaoyou's tense nerves did not slow down, and when the golden lord came over, he immediately grabbed his arm.

"Want to close the curtains?" The gold lord asked.

Chu Xiaoyou was relieved, and the gold lord pressed the remote control and looked at him funny: "How, I can see it."

Chu Xiaoyu didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and now it didn't matter if he let him pull the quilt open.

Where you can't touch it, of course, the gold lord can touch it.

Even where he can't see, the gold lord can see.

Chu Xiaoyou didn't know why, that was it anyway.

The Golden Lord saw him relax, and smiled with a smile on his lips: "What do you want to eat?" 

"Don't want to eat." Chu Xiaoyu wrinkled his nose and stretched out his arms to make a gesture of begging for a hug: "I want to take a bath." The gold lord kissed him: "Good, cat."

Chu Xiaoyu strangely felt that he was closer to the gold lord, and several breakups failed, but made them more intimate.

He felt that the gold lord really cared about him, but whether he was pregnant could say that Chu Xiaoyu was not sure yet.

Chu Xiaoyou himself could not move, he could only rely on the gold lord to give him a bath, and then carried him back to the bed where he had been washed, his whole body was refreshing, Chu Xiaoyou's satisfied body felt incomparably comfortable, hiding in the bed and wanting to squint to sleep.

"Well, go get something to eat and then go to sleep." The gold lord gave the order, and did not wait for Chu Xiaoyou to resist, directly hugged him up, and personally dressed him, Chu Xiaoyou was bullied yesterday, and today with the intention of revenge, he let the gold lord be a person, and when he wore a sweater, he deliberately did not stretch his arms.

The gold lord looked at his arrogant posture, and his eyes were hot again: "I'm going on a business trip next week, and you follow me, huh?"

Chu Xiaoyu hesitated, not wanting to go.

But then there was a knock at the door.

I want to go here ╭(╯^╰)╮

After becoming pregnant he asked to break upWhere stories live. Discover now