Chapter 54: The Flower of The High Ridge VS The Bad One

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Chu Dingding went to school, and after school was followed by a bunch of elementary school students. Chu Top went to school, and after school was followed by a bunch of elementary school students.

Chu Dingding saw his own car, turned back to the turnip heads and signaled: "Let's all disperse, go back to each house, each look for each mother, strangers don't pay attention." 

The Chu Topping saw his own car, and turned back to the hedgehogs and gestured: "Let's all disperse, go back to each house, each look for each mother, and the strangers should ignore it." " primary school students showed their unwilling eyes and waved their small hands to say goodbye to the top king.

Chu Ding got into the car, and the two adults in his family were busy at work, so the driver who came to pick him up was his younger brother who was an hour earlier than him from school, and the little guy saw his brother giggling and sticking out his little short arm to hug. The primary school students showed their unwilling eyes one after another, waving their small hands to say goodbye to the top king.

The king of the top did not pay attention to him, and the palm of his hand pressed Chu Lili's small school bag, empty, and could be flattened.

Chu Song got into the car, and the two adults in his family were busy at work, so the driver who came to pick him up was his younger brother who was a little earlier than him after school, and the little partner saw his brother giggling and stretched out his short arm to hug. 

"Finished snacking?" Chu Dingding asked.

Chu Lili is four years old this year, and is still in kindergarten, unlike Chu Dingding, who was born and old, Chu Lili went to class every day and carried all snacks, and all the air that came back was the air. The top king ignored him, and the palm of his hand pressed Chu Lili's small school bag, empty and squashed.

Because he eats a little too much, Chu Lili is a bit baby fat, which is very different from Chu Dingding Qingxiu's appearance, he belongs to the cute type, a bit of a stupid child feeling.

"Finished snacking?" Chu Asked. Hearing his brother's questioning, Chu Lili was stupid and didn't know what he was enjoying: "After eating, eating, and robbing a lot ~ I beat the little fat man to cry ~ "

Chu Dingding: ... Chu Lili is four years old this year, and is still in kindergarten, unlike Chu Dingding, who was born and old, Chu Lili went to class every day to memorize all snacks, and all that came back was air.

Chu Lili's small body rubbed down, trying to use the method of turtle shrinkage to break free of the shackles of the seat belt, and Chu Dingding held out a hand to stop him with no expression: "Let me pinch you little twitter again."

Because he eats a little too much, Chu Lili is a little bit baby fat, and Chu Top's beautiful appearance is very different, he belongs to the cute type, a little stupid child feeling. Chu Lili immediately did not move, seemed to recall some terrible experience, looked at his brother with big eyes and complained, and pouted: "I don't like my brother anymore, I want to sleep with my father today." 

Chu Dingding has always been Mingzhe to protect himself, and he does not comment on his brother's statement, anyway, his brother is robbing people with Zheng Zheng, it is not his business. Hearing his brother's questioning, Chu Lili was stupid and didn't know what he was enjoying: "After eating, eating, and scratching a lot ~ I beat the little fat man to cry ~ "

But at night, the child completely forgot that he didn't like his brother, and he had to sleep four times. Chu Xiaoyu gladly agreed and took the two little ones to bed together.

Chu Yiyi: ... Fortunately, his bed is big.

Chu Lili personality is noisy, seize the opportunity to play with Chu Xiaoyou you pounce on me and I pounce on you, after a while Chu Lili played with his eyes excited, giggling, his face was red and fluttering, and he was not satisfied with only playing with Chu Xiaoyou, he would pounce on Chu Dingding once in a while, and the top of Chu Ding, who was hiding in the corner of the bed, was embarrassed, and he was eager to tie his brother up and not let him move.

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