Chapter 52 End

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Chu Xiaoyou placed the two account books on the table neatly.

Although this is not a good thing to say, these two accounts already represent the first half of his life, abandoned by his family, raised in the welfare home, and now the identity of a man and a woman makes him choose.

Because of the ruthlessness of his parents, Chu Xiaoyu chose to be a man, his life habits are also men, and his self-perception is also a man. But because of his love, he married as a woman, and there was a child named Chu Topping.

"I've already thought about it, I'm going to bet on Chu Xiaoyou's identity."

Lei Yan looked at him a little surprised, Chu Xiaoyu was still dressed as a boy, and he couldn't see the feminine breath from his appearance: "You look like this... When a woman? "

Chu Xiaoyou shook his head: "No, I figured it out, before I was always told that I was a woman or a man, but in fact my gender is intersex."

Chu Xiaoyu looked at Lei Yan expectantly, "I don't know if Officer Lei understands, I just want to be myself."

"So I asked me for a chance to be myself." He pointed to the gender column on the account book and said, "Can there be a blank space here?"

Lei Yan looked at Chu Xiaoyou in surprise, in fact, his request was normal, but it did not look normal in this world.

Frowning, Lei Yan said: "There is no precedent in our country, but I will definitely fight for you, and we can refer to foreign practices for this blank, but according to our laws, your marriage relationship with Mr. Zheng may be..."

Chu Xiaoyou lowered his head, "I understand."

Lei Yan took a deep breath and stood up and held out his hand to Chu Xiaoyou: "Xiao You, no matter what your decision is, this matter cannot be managed by the state, and no one else can manage it, but I really bless you."

Chu Xiaoyu smiled, hurriedly stood up, and bowed to Lei Yan: "Thank you Officer Lei, I know you are a good person!"

Lei Yan, who was named a good man, smiled bitterly, put away Chu Xiaoyou's two account books, and then looked at Chu Xiaoyou with a look of righteousness: "I hope we can give you a satisfactory answer."

Chu Xiaoyou kept sending Lei Yan outside the villa gate.

Watching the car drive away, Chu Xiaoyu was a little sorry, after all, surgery was his long-standing wish, but his mood was more like a heavy burden.

Mr. Zheng told him that he was the sex of an angel, and Chu Xiaoyu would not be so stupid as to believe that everyone would accept him, but he had the courage to face himself.

After returning to his room, he used his computer to open his Weibo.

He had already thought about it, and anyway, everyone cared so much about him, and he was bold enough to be cared for by everyone.

Chu Xiaoyu tried to revise his profile, he thought about it, and knocked down his own title under the introduction.

[Volunteer of the Heavenly Love Foundation, Mrs. Zheng's Big Big, intersex Chu Xiaoyou.] He didn't delete the previous Weibo, after all, there was nothing that could not be seen, Chu Xiaoyu thought about it and sent a long Weibo.

[Hello everyone, I am Zheng Zheng's husband, my name is Chu Xiaoyou, I am the legendary wife, and there are gay people, I opened Weibo to tell everyone that I love Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng loves me. I'm an intersex person, you don't have to ask me if I'm male or female, I'm intersex, jj and mm have intersex people, you can probably use particularly ugly words to scold me for beings, but don't matter, I'm not dirty, not heterogeneous, these two organs you will grow one, right? I have it all. In addition to paying attention to me, I hope that everyone can pay more attention to orphans and special children, the foundation I am in now will provide surgical help to more than 10 children with congenital diseases every month, helping objects all over the country, I hope that everyone will pay attention to us, even if it is concerned about our pain, or pain us to change, low IQ, but hope that we do not become people of two worlds, we coexist on the earth. I am a very stupid person, do not know what to say, I am actually very pleased that everyone stares at me and Mr. Zheng together, I hope that everyone will pay more attention to our business itself, rather than guessing that we are bad people because we are strange, Mr. Zheng loves me very much, he did not cheat, because of the policy of the state, we may be cancelled from marriage, but the fact that we are a couple of lovers cannot be changed, I hope you understand. Thank you. After the stiff writing, Chu Xiaoyu was greatly relieved after publishing it, he didn't even know if this Weibo could be discovered enough, and maybe it would be cleaned up by the big waves of sand and sand in a short time.

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