Chapter 15: Breakup Count (15)

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There was indeed blood, even on the pants.

Chu Xiaoyu was confused and asked the driver to send himself to the hospital. It will not be time to go to work, but the hospital hall is already crowded, Chu Xiaoyu was originally afraid of people, but the thought that the baby in his belly will blow cold wind with him, he squeezed in hard.

The crowd was terrifying, but it was warm.

Chu Xiaoyou lowered his hairy head.

Soon, Lin Jinyan rushed from home, saw Chu Xiaoyu standing in the crowd cramped and uneasy, he hurried over, lowered his voice and asked: "Is there really blood?"

Chu Xiaoyou saw that Lin Jinyan was even more nervous, and his eyes looked at him like a helper: "Found out in the morning, Uncle Lin, I listen to you everything, you must help my baby, it doesn't matter if I die..."

"What nonsense!" Lin Jinyan glared at him angrily, led Chu Xiaoyou to the dormitory, let him go to bed, and tried not to move.

It will be 7:40, and the charge for the drug is still busy with their own. Lin Jinyan said good things one by one, and after he was busy, he prescribed medicines, paid, and took medicines for Chu Xiaoyou, and ran back and forth several times.

Chu Xiaoyu was lying on the high and low bed, his eyes were empty.

He didn't know what happened to the people who had lost their love, but he now had a feeling that his heart was hollowed out.

After a while, Lin Jinyan came in with breakfast and medicine packs, and Chu Xiaoyu saw that his busy feet did not touch the ground, and his nose was sore.

"Thank you Uncle Lin." He felt really good, it was really good to have Lin Jinyan, and he couldn't finish Lin Jinyan's kindness in his whole life.

Lin Jinyan handed him boiling water and medicine, and watched Chu Xiaoyou finish eating before saying: "Yesterday's photo was taken, so it can't be an ectopic pregnancy, so it should be a precursor to premature birth." 

Chu Xiaoyu's eyes were stunned: "Then what to do?"

 "As long as you keep it, it's fine." Lin Jinyan paused for a moment and said, "You should come to live with me."

Chu Xiaoyu will definitely not be hospitalized for the time being, because once hospitalized, all doctors and nurses will know that he is a pregnant intersex person, and in this city with too developed information, he may be on the hot search and become the talk of surprise on the Internet.

Look, there's a monster here, and God is pregnant, and that's their situation.

Chu Xiaoyou also understood this, Lin Jinyan had to take care of him, and the best way was for him to live with Lin Jinyan.

But the gold lord will be back this afternoon.

Chu Xiaoyou thought of the golden lord, his eyes were uncomfortable, the gold lord already had a girlfriend, and still hid him like this, did the gold lord like him, and hated him as an intersex person, so he planned to marry himself and raise him until he got tired?

He doesn't do the little three.

But he was not willing, he could take back the gold lord.

Chu Xiaoyou lowered his hair and said, "Uncle Lin, I have something to ask for your advice." 

Lin Jinyan nodded, "You say."

 "In fact, I refused to leave a while ago because I wanted to confess to Mr. Zheng."

Lin Jinyan had actually guessed a little earlier, so he responded methodically: "You want to tell him? Then you think clearly.

Chu Xiaoyu looked at Lin Jinyan hesitantly and shook his head slightly.

After becoming pregnant he asked to break upWhere stories live. Discover now