Ralsei x Fem!Reader

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You were a beautiful princess that could shapeshift into anything. You wore emotion changing robes, you had white fur with white spots dotted on your black nose, you had little pink curly horns and painted black nails.


You were walking along in the field of hopes and dreams when BAM! A tree branch fell from the tree above you and landed on your head making you go dizzy and collapse on the ground.

????: Oh my gosh, i'm terribly sorry.

You heard a voice come from above you, and you just thought it was the tree.

Y/n: It's fine Mr. Tree, just a bit dizzy.

????: Oh, yes, that is my name. Are you sure? I can quickly heal it up.

Y/n: How? You gonna drop another one?

????: N-No! I'm a magic tree.

Y/n: I guessed, seeing how you're talking to me, and where we are.

????:... Fair point. But i'll heal you by using my magic.

A green magical glow then came from the tree and surrounded your head making it not feel dizzy anymore.

Y/n: Thank you Mr. Tree.

????: It's quite alright.

Y/n: Y'know, I thought a tree would have a deeper voice.

????: Not all trees are the same.

Y/n: I know, but looking at how old it looks and big I thought it would have a deep voice.

????: Sometimes the packaging can be misleading.

Y/n: Good point.

????: What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n, princess of Shapeshifter Square.

????: You're a shapeshifter?

Y/n: Yep! This is my original form!

????: What can you change into?

Y/n: Anything!

????: Really? That sounds nice.

Y/n: It is!

????: Are you going to go now?

Y/n: Of course not, I just got here, I was bored so I went for a walk, we can chat some more.

????: Oh, ok!

You and Mr. Tree (Ralsei) talked for longer until it started to get late and with you getting tired.

Y/n: Hey, thanks for chatting with me, I enjoyed it. See you tomorrow?

????: I ain't going anywhere else.

Y/n: Haha, see you tomorrow then.

You hugged the tree with it chuckling and you walked off while waving it goodbye. And when you were gone Ralsei got down from the tree branches and just smiled warmly as he went back to his castle, as he had made a new friend today.


You and Mr. Tree (Ralsei) had gotten a lot closer as friends ever since meeting him. You two would always talk to each other like there was no tomorrow. You even had feelings for the tree, but you shook it off shaving feelings for a tree was stupid, there's no way a tree would love you back, and who would be crazy enough to fall in love with a tree?

Y/n: Mr. Tree.

????: Yes Y/n?

Y/n: What's your real name? Because i've just been calling you Mr. Tree this whole time, and if we're going to be friends then I need to know your name.

????: Oh, of course, how silly of me to forget. (This is your chance, tell her how much you love her.)

A black furred goat then dropped down, surprising you as he landed right in front of you.

Ralsei: I'm Ralsei the prince of darkness, and i've fallen for you Y/n.

Y/n: *gasp*

You were speechless as you stared at the blushing goat now holding his hat revealing his white furr. You stared for so long that Ralsei grew uncomfortable and hid his face in his hat.

Ralsei: Ohhh, why did I try? *sigh*

Y/n: Ralsei, prince of darkness.

Ralsei lifted down his hat and was instantly kissed on the lips by you making him turn bright red instantly. And when the kiss stopped you took his hat and put it on the ground so you could hold his paws while he remained silent.

Y/n: I love you.

Ralsei: I-I-I...

Y/n: I loved talking to you, and that pick up line was great.

Ralsei:... I love you too.

Ralsei softly kissed you back with you kissing him back completing the kiss while holding each other's paws. And when this kiss stopped you both looked at each other lovingly and you put your paws on Ralsei's soft cheeks pulling him in with another kiss with him putting his paws on your waist pulling your body closer to his.

Ralsei: Want to go to my castle?

Y/n: Of course your highness.

You both looked at each other and quickly kissed each other again before holding paws while walking to Ralsei's castle with you wearing Ralsei's hat making him giggle and kiss you again. And once you got to his castle you sat on the sofa and he got some cake and tea with you two then talking to each other like you normally would.

Y/n: Is it just you here?

Ralsei: Yes... I'm a prince but I don't have any subjects...

Y/n: I feel that.

Ralsei: Y-You d-do?

Y/n: Yeah... it's why I enjoyed talking to you.

Ralsei: Oh... would you like to live here with me?

Y/n: I'd like that. I shall protect you and be your first subject.

Ralsei: O-Oh, thank you! You're very kind. Have you heard about the prophecy?

Y/n: Nope, there's a prophecy?

Ralsei: Yes, *takes deep breath*.

Ralsei then explained the prophecy to you. (I'm not gonna write it because you probably already know it.)

Y/n: So that's who killed my parents.

Ralsei: I'm sorry.

Y/n:... 's fine, they were always horrible to me anyways. When are the monster and human meant to arrive?

Ralsei: I don't know, it's always been a mystery.

Y/n: Well they better hurry up, that other fountain has been here for a long time.

Ralsei: I-It has? I thought it just popped up.

Y/n: No, it's always been there, I thought that fountain was the fountain of darkness, and this one the bad one, but I guess I was wrong.


Y/n: Eh, but I wouldn't worry about it, as long as one is sealed then it's fine I guess. Also, does that mean when they'll arrive I have to. Y'know, leave.

Ralsei: Not at all! You can come with us! If you really can shapeshift then that'll be useful if we get in trouble.

Y/n: Mhm, well, if it's going to be a while, might as well get used to this place.


Hmm, I might actually continue this oneshot, also, I know it's cliche to have King kill the other kings and queens but let's just go with it.

Blu out.

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