Male!Kris x Male!Reader

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Ez clap x6 knight_of_zodiac 


You were chilling on the sofa as your mom was in the kitchen doing her own thing when you got a notification on your phone, so you took it out of your pocket and saw you had a message from an unknown number.

[Y/n]: Hello? Who's this?

[???]: Toriel, Kris' mother.

[Y/n]: Oh, sup Toriel.

[Toriel]: Yes, 'sup' to you too.

[Y/n]: What can I do for you?

[Toriel]: Well, I don't suppose you could try to convince Kris to... well... clean himself? It's starting to become more of a problem as his smell is becoming... more apparent.

[Y/n]: Oh, uh, well I've noticed his smell as well, and sitting close to him in class really isn't appealing. So I'd be happy to "convince" him.

[Toriel]: And "convince" you mean-?

[Y/n]: Throw him in the bath.

[Toriel]: Well, that's better than nothing.

[Y/n]: I'll be over in a couple of minutes.

[Toriel]: Wonderful! But I have to go to the store soon, so I'll leave you to it.

You put your phone away and got up from the sofa, you thought about telling your mom that you were going to throw Kris in the bath was a bit crazy so you went upstairs to get some of your schoolwork for a cover to going to Kris' house. You grabbed your schoolwork and went back downstairs before walking into the kitchen.

Y/n: Mom, I'm gonna be at Kris' to study.

M/n: Oh! Alright, just make sure you're home before dinner.

Y/n: Mhm, I will.

Your mom turned around and gave you a hug before continuing with what she was doing, you left the kitchen and left the house before walking over to Toriel's house which was only 5 minutes away from your house. You got to Toriel's house 5 minutes later and knocked on the door with it opening a minute later, and to your surprise, Kris had answered the door.

Y/n: Oh, hey Kris, bet you weren't expecting me to be here, but I've come to study, sorry if you had plans, haha.

Kris: N-No, I-It's fine, c-come in.

You gave Kris a smile and he blushed like he normally did whenever he was around you which you always thought was weird. You walked inside as Kris closed the door while blushing slightly, and you then walked over to the dinner table as Kris got his own schoolwork. Once he had his schoolwork he walked over and sat down next to you, and immediately you could smell how badly Kris smelt but you kept your reaction hidden as you didn't want to hurt his feelings.

And as you both studied together Toriel walked out of the kitchen and she gave you a smile before you winked at her with her winking back.

Toriel: Kris, Y/n, I'm going to the store, make sure to behave yourselves.

Kris: Mhm.

Y/n: We will don't worry.

Toriel grabbed her purse and gave both of you a smile before leaving the house, and when she left the house you noticed out of the corner of your eye Kris looked at you, so you looked at him.

Y/n: Hm?

Kris: I didn't say anything.

Y/n: I know, but you looked at me.

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